POL Figures of Speech

Övningen är skapad 2024-03-20 av Feke. Antal frågor: 12.

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  • Anaphora Repetition of a phrase at the beginning of paragraphs.
  • Alliteration Repetition of consonants in adjacent words.
  • Asyndeton Deliberately remove conjunctions.
  • Epistrophe Repetition of the last words or phrase in a sentence.
  • Euphemism Changing rude or unpleasant expressions into agreeable or softer alternatives.
  • Antimetabole Repeating phrases but in the reverse order. A-B-B-A.
  • Epizeuxis Immediate repetition a word in sequence.
  • Analogy Compare two objects or ideas.
  • Simile Compare two objects or ideas using like or as.
  • Antithesis Contrasting two different or opposing objects or ideas.
  • Metaphor Comparison without like or as. One object is the other.
  • Hyperbole Exaggerate a statement.

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