Physiology 1

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-11 av modigamodi. Antal frågor: 61.

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  • polycythemia increase amount of red blood cells
  • anemia decrease amount of red blood cells
  • get energy via glycolysis the red blood cells
  • poikilocytosis a variation in the shapes of red blood cells
  • amount of rbc:s 4, 5-5, 5 million/mm3 blood
  • anisocytosis red blood cells with diffrent diameters
  • lifespan of rbc 120 days
  • no nucleus rbc:s
  • Function of RBC carries oxygen from the lungs to our tissues
  • hematopoiesis formation of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets
  • erythropoiesis the making of red blood cells
  • young leukocyte acute inflammation
  • aging leukocytes chronic inflammation
  • diapedesis when leukocytes leaves the blood vessel and goes to the target tissue that encountered the inflammation it will do phagocytosis
  • hypoxemia low levels of oxygen in the blood
  • hypoxia low levels of oxygen in your body tissues
  • Thalassemia when the body doesn´t make enough of hemoglobin
  • leukocytes white blood cells
  • erythrocytes red blood cells
  • platelets thrombocytes
  • amount of wbc:s 4000-8000/mm of blood
  • leukocytosis increase in white blood cell count
  • leukopenia decrease in number of leukocytes
  • Neutrophils 65%
  • Eosinophils 2-4%
  • Basophil 0, 5-1%
  • leukocyte types neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes
  • acting as first line of defense neutrophils (65%)
  • basophil and eosinophils only in allergic reactions
  • albumin maintains osmotic pressure
  • Globulin antibodies
  • fibrinogen involved in blood clotting
  • ischemia inadequate irrigation of a certain tissue
  • irrigation blood flow
  • diastole relaxation
  • systole contraction
  • human heart beats 65-100 beats/minut
  • Ischemia on ECG if the t-wave is deflected or abnormal
  • lesion on ECG if the isoelectric line is up or down on the st-segment
  • necrosis on ECG if q-wave is larger than 1mm
  • regurgitation leakage (does not close properly)
  • stenosis not fully opened
  • insufficency not closed tightly
  • if p wave is bipolar atrial hypertrophy
  • ventricles on ECG QRS complex
  • p wave on ECG depolarization of the atria
  • agranulocytes lymphocytes and monocytes
  • granulocytes neutrophils, eosinophils, basophil
  • produce antibodies the lymphocytes
  • two types of lymphocytes T and B cells
  • 3 types of t lymphocytes killer (kills antigens), helper (antibody synthesis), suppressor (stops the killers)
  • lifespan of t lymphocytes 10-20 years
  • Factor VIII willebrand factor that is involved in the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway
  • Blood fluid connective tissue
  • blood volume about 8% of body weight
  • ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • lifespan of thrombocytes 8-13 days
  • hemostasis the physiological process that stops bleeding
  • Hemolytic anemia having too few red blood cells because of hemolysis
  • when antibodies bind to antigens the pathogen is inactivated
  • factors influencing ESR red blood cells by number and shape, plasma proteins (albumins, globulins), paraproteins

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