Physio blood

Övningen är skapad 2019-11-05 av karlssonsophie. Antal frågor: 72.

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  • erythrocyte number in men 5 200 000 RBC/ul
  • Erythrocyte number in female 4 700 000 RBC/ul
  • Maximum level of hemoglobin in cell? 34 grams/dl
  • Hematocrit female? 37-47%
  • Hematocrit male? 40-54%
  • Hemoglobin level male? 14-18 grams/dl
  • Hemoglobin female? 12-16 grams/dl, pregnant 11-14 grams/dl
  • how many grams of iron in the body? 4-5 grams
  • % of iron is hemoglobin? 65%
  • % of iron is myoglobin? 4%
  • % of iron is heme compounds that promote intracellular oxidation? 1%
  • % of iron is transferrin? 0,1%
  • % of iron is ferritin? 15-30%
  • RBC count in polycythemia vera? 7-8 million RBC/ul
  • Hematocrit in polycythemia vera? 60-70%
  • amount of WBC? 4000-11000/ul
  • Characteristics of inflammation: 1. vasodilation 2. increased permeability 3. clotting of interstitial fluid 4. migration of monocytes and granulocytes 5. swelling of tissue cells
  • products that causes inflammation histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, prostaglandins, reaction products of complement system, reaction products of clotting system, lymphokines
  • Eosinophils kill by using: hydrolytic enzymes, reactive forms of 02, major basic protein
  • Mast cells and basophils release: histamine, heparin, bradykinin, serotonin slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis and lysosomal enzymes
  • Symptoms of leukopenia ulcers in colon and mouth, respiratory infection
  • Leukemia increased numbers of abnormal WBC in blood
  • T helper cells secrete: IL-2-6, GM-CSF, interferon-gamma
  • diseases with increased osmotic fragility? Hereditary spherocytosis, aquired spherocytosis
  • Prevention of blood clotting in normal vascular system? smooth endothelial surface, layer of glycocalyx, continual blood flow, prostacyclin and NO
  • Endogenic inhibitors of coagulation antithrombin 3, protein C complex (trombomodulin, protein S, receptor for protein C), heparin
  • What determines good hemostasis? normal blood vessels, presence and proper function of thrombocytes, plasma coagulation factors, smooth process of the coagulation cascade
  • Protein C inactivates? Factor Va and VIIIa
  • Number of platelets in blood? 150 000-300 000 platelets/uL
  • What does platelets secrete? Thromboxane A2, ADP, serotonin, platelet phospholipids, fibrin-stabilizing factor and prostaglandins
  • Gp IIb/IIIa is a receptor for? Fibrinogen and von willebrand factor
  • Majority of inactive plasma clotting factors are? proteolytic enzymes
  • Vitamin K dependent clotting factors? II, VII, IX, X
  • Factors of prothrombin II, VII, IX, X
  • Factors sensitive to thrombin I, V, VIII, XIII
  • Contact factors XI, XII, pre-kallikrein and HMWK
  • Extrinsic tenase TF-VIIa-X
  • factor IX activation complex TF-VIIa-IX
  • Intrinsic tenase VIIIa-IXa-X
  • Prothrombinase Xa-Va-II
  • 3 phases that coagulation occurs in? Initiation, priming and propagation
  • Coagulation factor with the shortest half-life? VII
  • Hemophilia A is a deficiency in factor? VIII
  • Hemophilia B is a deficiency in factor? IX
  • Most common bleeding disorder? Von Willebrands disease
  • What can activate plasminogen to plasmin? thrombin, XIIa, t-PA, adrenaline, urokinase, thrombomodulin-thrombin complex and kallikrein
  • Factors that plasmin can degrade? Va, VIIIa and GPIb
  • Main fibrinolytic inhibitors? PAI-1, a2-antiplasmin, a2-huge globin, a1-antitrypsin, antithrombin 3, alexin C1 inhibitor
  • Bleeding time tests what? Platelet plug formation and capillary integrity
  • Bleeding time is dependent on: capillary function, number of blood platelets present and their ability to form platelet plug
  • Normal bleeding time? 3-8 minutes
  • Clotting time is? Time from onset of bleeding till the clot formation
  • Prolonged clotting time can be because of deficiency in factor: II, V, VII, IX, XII
  • Normal clotting time? 2-6 minutes
  • PTT (partial thromboplastin time) is testing? Intrinsic pathway
  • PT (prothrombin time) is testing? Extrinsic pathway
  • Medications which are anticoagulants? heparin and warfarin
  • Aspirin inhibits: vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation (blocks synthesis of thromboxane A2)
  • Normal MCH? 27-31 pg
  • normal MCHC? 32-36 g/dl RBC
  • normal MCV? 82-92 fl
  • Factors affecting ESR: size of rouleau, plasma factors, shape and number of RBC, technical and mechanical factors
  • Normal values of ESR? male: 2-6 mm/h female:3-10 mm/h
  • Low ESR can be due to? Polycythemia, leukocytosis, sickle cell disease, abnormal proteins, anemia
  • High ESR can be due to: inflammation, infections, cancer, autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, during menstruation, after a meal
  • Signs of inflammation? Heat, redness, pain, swelling
  • Binding of antibodies to antigens inactivates antigens by: neutralization, agglutination, precipitation, activation of complement system --> lysis
  • Neutrophils can release: lysozyme, lactoferrin, histamine, cytokines
  • Equation of bicarbonate buffer system CO2+H20--> H2CO3--> HCO2+H
  • Phosphate buffer system equation Na2HPO4+H-->NaH2PO4+Na
  • Equation of hemoglobin buffer CO2+HbO2-->HbCOO+H+O2
  • Vascular constriction is a result from? local myogenic spasm, local autacoid factors and nervous reflexes

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