Phrases from all articles/Ted talks

Övningen är skapad 2021-09-15 av filippa123abc. Antal frågor: 14.

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  • with the right frame of mind Mood or mental state that causes you to have a particular attitude to something.
  • things will fall into place Things happen in a satisfactory way without problems.
  • take advantages of the skills ……you already have
  • keep it in perspective compare with something similar to give a clearer more accurate idea.
  • face the consequences you warn them that something unpleasant will happen to them if they do not stop behaving in a particular way.
  • the dice of life 2. used to say that something could have either a good result or a bad result
  • Ivy-league colleges 2. considered to be the most prestigious colleges in the United States
  • CEO suites an owners suit
  • history's great satirists satirist - a writer or utser of satire
  • force multipliers something that increases the effect of a force
  • Unbeknownst to our group happening without someone's knowledge
  • Different walks of life different types of jobs and different levels of society
  • As chance would have it when something unfortunate or inevitable happens
  • It is not lost on me To have a significant or noticeable impact or effect on someone

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