Persuasive communication - Vocabulary 2

Övningen är skapad 2023-12-05 av elinolsson7. Antal frågor: 62.

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  • slump recession or economic crisis
  • auditor checks the accounts of a firm
  • the minutes the written report outlining what was said during the meeting
  • outstanding an unpaid bill
  • plummet to drop significantly
  • poll market study
  • warehouse the place where goods are stored
  • relocate when a company moves to another location
  • overdraft the negative amount in a bank account
  • outlook future economic perspective
  • mortgage loan to buy a property
  • patent exclusive right to make or sell a product
  • soar increase rapidly
  • subcontracting outsource
  • praise to congratulate someone for a job well done
  • bulk to buy in large quantity
  • liability legal responsibility
  • equity value of a company in shares
  • counterpart someone with the same position in a different company/department
  • fee money paid for a service
  • achieve to do or obtain something after you have worked and planned to make it happen
  • acknowledge to accept the truth or recognise the existence of something
  • affluent wealthy, rich
  • appliance a pice of equipment designed to perform a specific task (iron, toaster)
  • appraisal to examine s.o. or s.t. in order to judge their qualities, success or needs
  • assess to evaluate
  • auditor the person who checks the audits, accounts of the company
  • award to give (often a prize)
  • bragain to try to reach agreement with someone in order to obtain a lower price
  • benefit a helpful or good effect; money received in addition to or instead of a salary
  • bottom line the last line on the operating statement which shows the profit or the loss. Often used to mean the last word on something, or the most important thing
  • charge request money for a service or an item
  • claim (i) a statement that something is true, even though it is not proven (ii) a request for something that you have a right to
  • collapse to fall down suddenly or to fail
  • commitment to promise or pledge
  • commute to travel from one town to another for your work
  • conduct behaviour, to lead
  • Creditor a country, organisation or person to whom money is owed
  • Drawback negative point, problem
  • Display to show; a collection of pictures or objects arranged for people to look at
  • endorse agree with, support
  • Framework a supporting structure around which something can be built
  • Gloomy dark, pessimistic
  • Implement put into action
  • Instalment (instalment plan) one of a number of parts of a total payment that has been divided so that each part is paid at a particular time
  • Monitor Make continuous observation of sth; record or test the operation of sth; a monitor= a computer screen
  • Overdue not done or happening when expected or when needed; late
  • Overseas in another country, foreign
  • Policy a set of ideas or a plan for action made by a governing body, a company or other organization; b) a document showing a contract with an insurance company
  • Profitability the value of a venture in terms of its potential for making a profit
  • Rally a) a recovery after a period of weakness; b) to recover; c) a public meeting of a large group of people; d) a car or motorcycle race; e) to support
  • Sales assistant a person who works in a shop, selling goods to the public
  • Sample a small amount of something which shows you what the rest should be like; to experience a small amount of something to see what it's like
  • Scope the range of matters dealt with; the opportunity for activity
  • settle make an agreement
  • Sharp a) sudden and immediately noticeable
  • Shortage lack, penury, scarcity
  • Slump economic recession, a fall in the value of something
  • Stage a) a part of an activity or a period of development
  • State-of-the-art very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods
  • Subsidy money given as part of the cost of something; to pay part of the cost of something
  • Wholesale buying and selling goods in large quantities, usually selling to retailers

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