Peace & Conflict B - exam 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-03-18 av isaklundblom. Antal frågor: 39.

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  • Peacekeeping When personel stay in the region after a peace agreement has been signed
  • Onion model Surface layer, Emotional layer, Ideas and values layer
  • Triple M MHS, MEO, MOR
  • Conflict transformation structures, actors, issues, elites, context
  • Approaches to mediation classical, power-based, emancipatory
  • Components of negotiations Parties, issues, context
  • bargaining zero-sum thinking, compromises, non-cooperative game
  • Problem solving Finding win-win solutions, integrative solutions, cooperative game theory
  • 5 approaches to problem solving expanding the pie, horsetrading, non-specific compensation, cost-cutting, bridging
  • 2 sorts of violence strategic, non-strategic
  • 5 types of spoilers limited, greedy, total, inside, outside
  • 3 ways to handle spoilers inducement, socialization, coercion
  • 4 types of power sharing political, military, territorial, economic
  • consociationalism grand coalition, proportional representation, autonomies, veto right
  • security sector reform, ssr reforming public sector elements of intetrnal and external security apparatus
  • disarmament demobilization reintegration, ddr disarm and demobilize armed groups and reintegration of ex-combatants into society
  • Transitional justice confronting and dealing with past violations of human rights or international law
  • 4 elements of transformative justice legal, truth & acknowledgement, socioeconomic justice, political justice
  • reconciliation societal process that involves mutual acknowledgement of past suffering and changing the destructive
  • 3 phases of conflict resolution dialogue, implementation, consolidation
  • 3 dimensions of the peace triangle issues, behaviour, attitudes
  • 3 parts of issues unresolved peace, restored peace, contested peace
  • 3 parts of behaviour partial peace, regional peace, insecure peace
  • 3 parts of attitudes polarized peace, unjust peace, fearful peace
  • 4 reasons parties percieve a stalemate failure of contentious tactics, exhaustion of necessary resources, loss of social support, unacceptable costs or risks
  • 3 possible outcomes of problem solving conflict management, settlement, conflict resolution
  • unilateral methods of peacekeeping deterrence
  • bilateral method of peacekeeping negotiations
  • multilateral methods of peacekeeping mediation
  • 2 competing logics of peacekeeping optimistic, pessimistic
  • 2 parts of the pessimistic logic rational choice, hurting stalemate
  • 3 stages in the power sharing life cycle Adoption, implementation, end
  • 4 spoiler problems position, number, type, locus
  • intractable conflicts conflict that are long-term, irreconcilable, violent, zero-sum
  • 8 societal beliefs that solves intractable conflicts justness of own goals, security, positive self-image, own victimization, deligitimizing the opponen, patriotism, unity, peace
  • reconciliation mutual aknowledgement of past suffering between former enemies
  • 3 juridical aspects of reconciliation rule of law, rectificatory justice, distributive justice
  • 3 mediation styles facilitation, formulation, manipulation
  • 5 ways of de-escalation military victory, unilateral advantage, dormancy, imposed settlement, negotiated settlement

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