PC Week 1

Övningen är skapad 2022-10-26 av AxelGernandt. Antal frågor: 31.

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Alla Inga

  • Advertising Call attention to something/influence behavior
  • Subtlety of influence Most of what we see we do not register, and can rarely recall majority of ads we come across
  • Aristotle saying Power to persuade is determined by characteristics of information source, recipient and content
  • Attitude Evaluative response, either positive or negative
  • Who Source
  • Says what Content
  • In which channel Medium
  • To whom Audience
  • With what effect Effect/Attitude
  • Hovland persuasion step 1 Make sure people are paying Attention
  • Hovland persuasion step 2 Make sure people Understand message
  • Hovland step 3 so people can Accept the message
  • Hovland step 4 To retain the Attitude
  • Existing attitudes Contribution to persuasion power
  • Inoculation theory (McGuire) Tools for people to defend themselves from persuasive attempts
  • Cognitive response theory (Greenwald) New information mixed with previous is a determinant of attitudinal change
  • AIDA(s) model Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, (Satisfaction)
  • Ethics in persuasion Wholly against, or seeing it as acceptable as long as it does not involve force
  • Subliminal influence People can be influenced without knowing they are influenced
  • COA Code of advertising
  • Kahneman system 1 Information processed quickly, and instinctively
  • Kahneman system 2 Information is carefully processed
  • Attenuated effects fallacy Do not place too much trust in how effective the messages impact will be
  • Distant measure fallacy Campaign is evaluated too early on basis of good performance, efficiency in one condition does not mean efficiency in the next
  • Neglected mediator fallacy Not taking previous factors in consideration on the impact on other factors
  • Compensatory principle If one factor has a negative impact, it can be compensated by a later one
  • Golden mean principle Balance in advertising elements to achieve an ultimate effect
  • Situational weighting principle Take whole context into account. Effect on a factor is dependent on other factors
  • Alternate routes Audience are likely to take shortcuts that can shorten the list of output steps
  • Persuasion from within Activating information within a person, making supporting information salient
  • Attitude change as consequence of behavioral change We should try to convince the behavioral change, instead of presenting new info. Attitude will adjust to new behavior

Alla Inga

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