Övning do/does/did, some/any, genitiv

Övningen är skapad 2017-05-09 av saa21. Antal frågor: 45.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Jag gillar inte äpplen. I don't like apples.
  • Hon dricker inte mjölk. She doesn't drink milk.
  • Tom och Nisse hatar inte att sjunga. Tom and Nisse don't hate singing.
  • Känner vi honom? Do we know him?
  • Hon sover inte. She doesn't sleep.
  • Spelar Mrs Smith golf? Does Mrs Smith play golf?
  • Springer katten snabbt? Does the cat run fast?
  • Spelar de fotboll? Do they play football?
  • Jobbar din pappa här? Does your dad work here?
  • Ser lampan gul ut? Does the lamp look yellow?
  • Han gjorde det för mig. He did it for me.
  • Såg du filmen? Did you see the movie?
  • Jag visste inte det. I didn't know that.
  • Köpte du bilen igår? Did you buy the car yesterday?
  • Visste du att jag vann? Did you know that I won?
  • Is there (någon) milk left? Is there any milk left?
  • We have (några) bottles of milk in the fridge. We have some bottles of milk in the fridge.
  • There aren't (några) mistakes in your essay. Well done! There aren't any mistakes in your essay. Well done!
  • We have (några) really nice flowers in our garden. We have some really nice flowers in our garden.
  • We didn't plant (några) roses. We didn't plant any roses.
  • The girl said (något) we didn't understand. The girl said something we didn't understand.
  • Isn't there (något) I can do for you? Isn't there anything I can do for you?
  • I think I heard (något) in the kitchen. I think I heard something in the kitchen
  • Is there (något) on TV tonight? Is there anything on TV tonight?
  • Tom didn't speak to (någon) at the party. Tom didn't speak to anyone at the party.
  • There was (ingen) at home when I called. There was nobody at home when I called.
  • I know (någon) who can help us with the garden. I know someone who can help us with the garden.
  • There isn't (någon) here. There isn't anyone here.
  • He lives (någonstans) near the store. He lives somewhere near the store.
  • (Var som helst) is better than this place. Anywhere is better than this place.
  • hundens boll the dog's ball
  • ägarnas nycklar the owners's keys
  • bilens hjul (plural) the wheels of the car
  • bergets topp the top of the mountain
  • bordets fyra ben the four legs of the table
  • Jonas halsband Jonas' necklace
  • barnens skola the children's school
  • Alice katt Alice's cat
  • livets mening the meaning of life
  • bokens sidor (page) the pages of the book
  • flickans klänningar the girl's dresses
  • kattens färg the cat's colour
  • kvinnornas hobby the women's hobby
  • veckans dagar the days of the week
  • dagens tidning today's newspaper

Alla Inga

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