Övningen är skapad 2022-03-06 av johannaschoug. Antal frågor: 89.

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  • Achieving lower costs through large volume production. often made possible by global expansion economies of scale
  • A dimension of technology in which work activities can be reduced to mechanical steps and participants can follow an objective, computation procedure to solve problems analyzability
  • Technology in which there is high task variety and the conversion process is not analyzable or well understood non routine
  • The structuring of the organization according to individual products, services, product groups, major projects or profit centers divisional structure
  • Organizational decision making involving many managers and a final choice based on a coalition among those managers carnegie model
  • The phase in an organization’s life cycle involving are the installation and use of rules, procedures and control systems formalization stage
  • Moving employees from job to job to give them a greater variety of tasks and alleviate boredom job rotation
  • A culture that places emphasis on a clear vision of the organization’s purpose and on the achievements of specific goals mission culture
  • A Structure developed in an effort to give equal emphasis and attention to product and function, or product and geography matrix organizational structure
  • A culture characterized by strategic focus on the external environment through flexibility and change adaptability culture
  • A dimension of technology in which work activities can be reduced to mechanical steps and participants can follow objective, computational procedure to solve problems analyzability
  • Activities that link and coordinate an organization with key elements in the external environment horizontal information linkage
  • How decisions are made when time is limited, a large number of internal and external factors affect a decision and the problem is ill-defined limited rationality or intuition
  • The structuring of the organization according to individual products, services, product groups, major projects or profit centers divisional structure
  • The life cycle phase in which an organization is born and its emphasis is on creating a product and surviving the marketplace entrepreneurial stage
  • The code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviour of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong code of ethics
  • The degree to which an organization has rules, procedures and written documentation formalization
  • The use of computer-integrated systems and flexible work processes to enable companies to mass produce a variety of products or services designed to exact customer specifications flexible manufacturing system
  • A completely mechanized manufacturing process in which there is no starting or stopping continuous process production
  • Achieving lower costs through large volume production: often made possible by global expansion economies of scale
  • Technology in which there is high task variety and the conversion process is not analyzable or well understood nonroutine
  • The goal of the sociotechnical system approach, which states that an organization will function best only if its social and technical systems are designed to fit the needs of one another joint optimization
  • The current set of plans, decisions and objectives that have been adopted to achieve the organization strategy
  • The use of experience and judgement rather than sequential logic or explicit reasoning to solve a problem intuitive decision making
  • A culture that places emphasis on a clear vision of the organization’s purpose and on the achievement of specific goals mission culture
  • The code of moral principles and values that governs the behavior of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong ethics
  • The work process that is directly related to the organizations mission core technology
  • A position or department created solely to coordinate several departments integrator
  • A business strategy that seeks to maintain a stable business while innovating on the periphery analyzer
  • A system that is autonomous, enclosed and not dependent on its environment closed system
  • A theory meaning one thing depends on other things: the organizations’ situation dictates the management approach contingency
  • The organizational life cycle phase in which the red tape crisis is resolved through the development of a new sense of teamwork and collaboration elaboration stage
  • Includes those sectors that may not directly affect the daily operations of a firm but will indirectly influence it the general environment
  • The designing of jobs to expand the number of different tasks performed by an employee job enlargement
  • An organization in which everyone is engaged in identifying and solving problems, enabling the organization to continuously experiment, improve and increase capability learning organization
  • The ability of one person or department in an organization to influence others to bring about desired outcomes power
  • The use of experience and judgement rather than sequential logic or explicit reasoning to solve a problem intuitive decision making
  • An organization’s environmental field of activity organizational domain
  • A culture characterized by strategic focus on the external environment through flexibility and change adaptability culture
  • A Dimension of technology in which work activities can be reduced to mechanical steps and participants can follow an objective, computational procedure to solve problems analyzability
  • Activities that link and coordinate an organization with key elements in the external environment boundary spanning
  • How decisions are made when time is limited, a large number of internal and external factors affect a decision and the problem is ill-defined bounded rationality
  • the structuring of the organization according to individual products, services, product groups, major projects or profit centers divisional structure
  • A theory meaning one thing depends on other things; the organization’s situation dictates the management approach contingency theory
  • Organizations’ attempt to distinguish their products or services from others in the industry. differentiation
  • A function responsible for directing and coordinating other parts of the organization top management
  • Sectors with which the organization interacts directly and that have a direct impact on the organization’s ability to achieve its goals task environment
  • The extent of mechanization of the manufacturing process technical complexity
  • something that represents something else symbol
  • The life cycle phase in which an organization has strong leadership and begins to develop clear goals and direction collectivity stage
  • A structure developed in an effort to give equal emphasis and attention to product and function, or product and geography matrix structure
  • The overall, officially stated goal attributed to an organization is often encapsulated in an explicitly stated mission – the organization’s reason for its existence. mission
  • communicates to employees, costumers, investors, suppliers etc. what the organization stands for and what it is trying to achieve. mission statement
  • Describe specific measurable outcomes and are often concerned with the short run. operative goals
  • a plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals. Goals define the direction of travel, and strategies define how to get there. strategy
  • The most basic form of interdependence. In this form, work does not flow between units. Each department is part of the organization, but works independently. Chain restaurants or bank branches are typical examples of pooled interdependence. pooled interdependence
  • When interdependence takes a serial form, with parts produced in one department becoming inputs to another department, it is called sequential interdependence
  • The highest level if interdependence is reciprocal interdependence
  • a force of achieving desired outcomes that is prescribed by the formal hiearchy and reporting relationships authority
  • process where companies find out how others do something better than they do and then try to imitate benchmarking
  • an organizational framework marked by rules and procedures, specialization and divison of labour, authority... bureaucracy
  • the life cycle phase in which an organization has strong leadership and begins to develop clear goals and direction collectivity stage
  • groups of firms that venture into new products and technologies consortia
  • the set of values, guiding belifs, understandings and ways of thinking that are shared and taught to new members of the organization culture
  • decision-making and communication are spread out across the company decentralization
  • a business strategy that seeks stability rather than innovation and growth defender
  • intentionally reducing the size of the company's workforce by laying off employees downsizing
  • the amount of resources used to produce a unit of output efficiency
  • using computers to link together manufacturing components such as robots, machines, product design etc etc flexible manufacturing systems
  • the stage in an organization's life cycle wich contains the installation and use of rules, procedures and control systems formalization stage
  • the grouping of activities by common function functional structure
  • model that describes the pattern or flow of multiple decisions within an organization garbage can model
  • an approach to organizational effectiveness that is concearned with output and weather the organization achieves its output goals goal approach
  • the amount of communication and coordination that occurs horizontally across organizational departments horizontal linkage
  • a structure that combines characteristics of various structural approaches tailored to specidic strategic needs hybrid structure
  • the extent to which departments depend on each other for resource or materials to accomplish their tasks interdependence
  • bahavriour that occurs between organizational groups when participants identify with one group and perceive that the other group is blocking their achievements or expectations intergroup conflict
  • moving employees from job to job to give them a greater variety of tasks and alleviate boredom job rotation
  • uses highly trained employees at every stage of production process, who takes painstaking approach to details and problem solving lean manufacturing
  • stories that are consistent with the values and belifs of the organization but are not supported by facts myths
  • the formally stated definition of bussiness scope and outcomes the organization is trying to achieve: another term for mission official goals
  • a system that must interact with the environment to survive open system
  • Goals that explain what the organization is trying to accomplish operative goals
  • an organization system marked by free flowing, adaptive process, an unclear hiearchy of authority and decentralized decision making organic
  • to contract out certain corporate functions, such as manufacturing, information technology or credit processing, to other companies outsourcing
  • a business strategy characterized by innovation, risk taking, seeking opportunities and growth prospector
  • a business strategy in which environmental threats and opportunities are responded to in an ad hoc fashion reactor
  • any group within or outside organization that has a stake/interest in the organizations performance stakeholder
  • perspective that assesses the satisfaction of stakeholders as an indicator of the organizations' performance stakeholder approach

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