Övningen är skapad 2022-03-06 av johannaschoug. Antal frågor: 19.

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  • When using the goal approach to effectiveness it is the best to use xxx goals Operational, Official, Low level, Non measurable
  • Anna Jones is the CEO of a medium sized manufacturer of bedding and blankets and Anna insists on making all decisions as a style that are manufactured Which of these following terms describes the company? centralization, elaboration stage, formalization, standardization
  • All of the following exept xxx are ways low uncertainty influences organizational charecteristics many integrating roles, mechanistic structure, low speed response, few departments
  • which type of power does a manager enjoy because of his right to promote subordinates reward, legitimate, coercive, referent
  • what type of culture exists in a flexible environment with an internal strategic focus? clan, mission, bureaucratic, adaptability
  • all of the following are visible artifacts of culture exept values, slogans, behaviours, cermonies
  • A university department of 12 academics are faced with a difficult decison that 8 academics agree on a decision that would be made what is this an example of a coalition, bounded rationality, crisis decision making, intuitive decision making
  • xxx production represents mechanization and standardization one step beyond those in an assembly line continuous process, large batch, small batch, technical complexity
  • In organizations charactarized by very xxx and xxx environments there are many departments and extensive boundary spanning complex and unstable, complex and stable, simple and stable, simple and unstable
  • when a company decides to use different product designs and advertising strategy for each country it operates in it is the following strategy multi domestic, consortia, focused, globalization
  • boundary spanning roles bring into the organization information about environmental changes, primarily link data to information, move the firm to internationalism, buffer manufacturing departments from outside intrusion that would interfere
  • all of the following except xxx are ways HIGH moderate uncertainty influences organizational characteristics mechanistic structure, few integrating roles, planning orientation, few departments
  • what type of culture exists in a stable environment with an external strategic focus? adaptability, clan, mission, bureaucratic
  • Max Weber developed the concept of bureaucracy to make organizations more rational and efficient, more empathetic, less formal, quicker to respond to stakeholders
  • the goal of sociotechnical system approach is to design the organization for joint optimization, reengineering, strong organizational culture
  • all of the following are visible artefacts of culture except feelings, slogans, behaviours, ceremonies
  • xxx means providing exactly the service each customer wants and needs customized output, service complexity, mass customization, CAM
  • a company that whishes to maintain the basic functional structure but is having difficulty coordinating across departments because of growth should install horizontal linkages, should realize that the functional structure cannot work and abandon it for a matrix, may find it necessary to abolish liaison roles, may profit by adding more functional departments
  • xxx production represents mechanization and standardization one step beyond those in an assembly line continuous process, large batc, small batch, technical complexity

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