
Övningen är skapad 2017-10-20 av lisa_bendall. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • ニコニコ someone smiling happily
  • ワクワク someone who is bursting with excitement in anticipation of something
  • イライラ someone who is irritated/angry because things are not going as desired
  • モジモジ someone behaving nervously/bashfully and unable to do what they want
  • ムシムシ hot, humid, muggy weather
  • グズグズ sluggish, dillydallying behaviour. something that is uncertain. someone who is grumbling and complaning
  • ブラブラ a heavy object dangling and swaying. walking slowly without purpose
  • ドキドキ a pounding heart
  • ドンドン a continuous loud sound, something proceeding steadily
  • バラバラ things scattered about or broken up, the sound of hailstones falling
  • カンカン someone who is enraged
  • ホカホカ warm, delicious-looking food
  • ボロボロ something badly damaged, mentally and physically worn out
  • クルクル a small object spinning lightly
  • ギュウギュウ pushing or packing something as tightly/strongly as possible
  • ツルツル a surface that is smooth, sleek or slippery
  • ザーザー the sound of heavy rain or TV static
  • ウトウト somebody about to fall asleep, dozing
  • ガラガラ when there are few people somewhere, the sound of raw, hard material
  • ペラペラ someone chattering away frivolously, speaking fluently, the sound of leafing through a book

Alla Inga

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