Of mice and men chap 1

Övningen är skapad 2022-11-19 av libj2. Antal frågor: 27.

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Alla Inga

  • Cat house Whore house, house of prostitution
  • Debris The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
  • Morosely In a sad gloomy manner
  • Rabbit hutch Type of cage for keeping rabbits
  • Reeds Tall grass with hollow stems, often found in or near water
  • Stake An amount of money
  • Reluctantly Do something against your will
  • Recumbent Reclining or lying down
  • Timidly Shyly
  • Irrigation ditch A ditch to supply dry land with water artificially
  • Noiselessly Soundlessly
  • Slope The side of the hill
  • Emerge Something appears
  • Mottled A surface having coloured spots or blotches
  • Blaze To burn brightly and strongly
  • Embrace To hug
  • Juncture A junction, where something is joint together
  • Twinkle What happens when the sun hits and reflects the water
  • Anguish A feeling of great physical or mental pain
  • Periscope A device, through a series of mirrors and prisms, allows one to view something not directly in the line of sight
  • Tramp In this case, a tramp is a person who travles about foot, usually doing odd jobs for a living
  • To be in hot water To be in trouble
  • Live off the "fatta" land Using the existing resorces
  • Blow their stake Lose and/or spend all their money
  • Bustin' a gut To engage in very hard psysical labor-so hard that you ache all over-even in your gut
  • Jungle up To camp out for the evening in the company of other companioins of the road
  • You ain't puttin' nothing over me You can't fool me

Alla Inga

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