Newsreel test

Övningen är skapad 2022-11-21 av JenWah. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • Activists have thrown (vätska) liquid at paintings.
  • They chose to (publicera) publish a video of the activists on the Guardian's website.
  • Is it worth more than food, worth more than (rättvisa) justice ?
  • The painting had a glass (skydd) protection .
  • The protestors want to raise (medvetenhet) awareness of how bad fossil fuels are.
  • Young people (avvisar) reject alcohol.
  • Fossil fuels are (skadlig) harmful to the planet.
  • According to (forskning) research one in three young people call themselves 'non drinkers'.
  • Young people today appear to be more (försiktig) cautious than older generations.
  • I cannot stand the (socialt tryck) social pressure to drink alcohol.
  • It is (grundläggande) essentially the norm for young people to say no to alcohol.
  • They (överväga) consider going to a bar.
  • The Crown has faced (motreaktion) backlash the recent months.
  • There are specialist places popping up which are (fullständigt) completely for non drinkers.
  • Fewer young people are drinking alcohol (jämfört med) compared to a few years ago.
  • Some people think that The Crown is (respektlösa) disrespectful .
  • There are some (nykter) sober bars and pubs where I live.
  • The Crown now displays a (varning) disclaimer saying it is a fictional dramatisation.
  • The activists could not (skada) damage the paintings.
  • I do think people are drinking less alcohol (genrellt) in general .

Alla Inga

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