Nano Analys!

Övningen är skapad 2022-11-24 av Zillionwater. Antal frågor: 52.

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  • TEM – Transmission Electron Microscopy An microscope where electrons are transmitted through the sample and detected below.
  • SEM – Scanning Electron Microscopy An microscope where electrons are backscattered or emitted and detected above the sample.
  • STEM – Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy An microscope where electrons are transmitted through the sample and detected below, while beam is scanned across the sample.
  • Diffraction Electron scattering
  • Elastic scattering When an atom changes the direction of an traveling electron due to forces from its nucleus
  • Inelastic scattering A fundamental scattering process in which the kinetic energy of an incident particle is not conserved
  • Secondary electrons Usefull electron scattering for identifying topography in SEM
  • Auger electrons Ejection of an outer-shell electron. These electrons have energy of ~few hundred eV to few keV and are much more strongly absorbed than characteristic X-rays.
  • Cathodoluminescence In direct-gap semiconductors, inelastic collisions may excite electrons from the valence to conduct band (creation of electron-hole pairs)
  • Coherent scattering Electrons scatter at low angels in the outskirts of the electron cloud
  • Incoherent scattering Electrons passing close to nucleus, stronger scattering
  • Thermionic emitter When a material is heated enough it will emit electrons
  • Field emitter Electrons are emitted when a voltage is applied to a small point. Exists cold and thermal (Schottky) emitters
  • Accelerating voltage The energy electrons need so they can travel through the microscope and into (or through) our sample
  • Condenser lenses An array of electric magnets that form a magnetic field to focus the electron beam in a microscope
  • Objective lens An array of electric magnets that form a magnetic field to focus, enhance and magnify the electron beam of a sample. IN TEM it is used to focus the beam on the sample
  • Intermediate and projector lenses An array of electric magnets that form a magnetic field to magnify the image onto a detector
  • Parallel (electron) beam A beam of electrons where electrons are moving parallel to eachother (low intensity)
  • Converged beam A beam of electrons that are focused onto a single point (high intensity)
  • Spherical aberration When a lens is improperly made so that the focalpoint differs depending on where you hit the lens
  • Chromatic aberration When the wavelenghts of particles highly determines the phase shift in the lens causing the focal point to be different for each wavelenght
  • Backscatter electrons detector (BSE detector) A detector sensitive to high angle electrons in a SEM. Often creates an image with a strong shadeing effect
  • Secondary electrons detector (SE detector) A detector capable of detecting electrons scattered. Great for topography
  • Excitation Volume The approximate map of where an electron travels inside of a sample
  • “Conventional” TEM (CTEM) A TEM technique where the sample area is obsereved all at once instead of scanning the sample piece by piece
  • Object plane An object as observed before a lens
  • Focal point The point of which all light from a lens converge. Here we have the highest resolution in a microscope
  • Image plane Object as seen through the lens
  • Contrast Difference in intensity
  • Mass-Thickness Incoherent scattering (nuclear scattering) scales with atomic number and can effect intensity of electrons. What contrast?
  • Diffraction contrast If a material is crystalline, small changes in orientation strongly affects the diffraction of electrons. What contrast?
  • Phase contrast When an electron travels through a material and the phase shift is observed. exploits differences in the refractive index of different materials. What contrast?
  • Aperture A disk with a hole in it. Restricts the amount of particles observed by a detector.
  • Constructive interference When the maxima of two waves add together
  • Deconstructive interference Where two waves are completely out of phase. Adding them together would cancel out the wave
  • Bragg condition When the sample is tilted at a correct q so Bragg’s law holds for a specific set of planes
  • Objective aperture By placing the apature at the correct spots above the sample one can selectivly single out a wavelength of electrons
  • Bright field imaging Observing electron intensity were the detector i placed right under the sample to detect the most intense electrons
  • Dark field imaging Observing electron intensity so that the detector is placed as far to the side as possible. This detects the most scattered of electrons
  • High Annular Dark Field Detector (HAADF) A detector used to select electrons scattered at very high angels
  • Aberration corrector A lens that can correct aberration in lenses
  • Phase-contrast HRTEM images Images taken with a electron microscope. They do not contain mass-thickness contrast on an atomic scale but do give highly accurate crystal structure information
  • Quasicrystal A structured that is ordered but not periodic
  • Translational symmetry Diffractionpattern stays the same evevn if moved (only x-axis and y-axis and without rotation)
  • Wave interference Waves that does not share the same phase or wavelength that interact
  • Bragg diffraction Encompasses the superposition of wave fronts scattered by lattice planes, leading to a strict relation between wavelength and scattering angle
  • Reciprocal space The reciprocal lattice represents the Fourier transform of another lattice
  • Lattice Set of points
  • Powder diffraction rings Small crystallites have random orientation which gives way for multiple diffractionpatterns to overlap and make a ring-shape
  • X-ray diffraction Scattering of photonsof crystals, powder diffraction pattern, and large crystals.
  • Electron diffraction Diffraction in form of electrons traveling through a thin sample
  • X-ray detector A detector sensitive ONLY to composition, no topographic information of the sample

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