mutifactoral traits

Övningen är skapad 2024-04-08 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 23.

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  • a multifactoral trait is controlled by multiple factors, such as genes and environment. TRUE OR FALSE true
  • human height is an example of a multifactoral trait TRUE OR FALSE true
  • is a research approach used to study the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to traits or disorders by comparing similarities between monozygotic (identical) twins and dizygotic (fraternal) twins. twin method
  • monozygotic twins share .. % of their genetics 100
  • dizygotic twins share ..% of their genetics 50
  • refers to the degree of similarity or agreement between individuals with respect to a particular trait or disorder concordance
  • Bigger difference between monozygotic and dizygotic means that more ... is involved genetics
  • If concordance for monozygotic and dizygotic twins are very similar, then there is more ... involved environment
  • if monozygotic twins concordance is significantly less than 100%, there is an ... component involved environment
  • if MZ (monozygotic) concordance is 100% it is caused by ... genetics
  • results from additive effect of multiple genetic and environmental factors. Can be measured on numerical scale quantitative traits
  • trait is either present or absent qualitative traits
  • what is this called? You have to reach a certain point for the trait to be present. a sepcific percentage has to be reached threshold effect
  • threshold effect: Individuals with a higher genetic predisposition or greater exposure to environmental risk factors are more likely to surpass this threshold and express the trait. TRUE OR FALSE true
  • ... of a trait or disease is the proportion of the total variance that is genetic. heritability
  • The value of heritability (h2) varies from 0, if ... contribute nothing to the total phenotypic variance genes
  • if h2 (heritability) is 1 that means that ... contribute 100% to the phenotype genes
  • If we have bigger environmental component, it is better because it can be treated more easily TRUE OR FALSE true
  • both diabetes type 1 and 2 are ... traits multifactoral
  • diabetes type with 60% heritability (write type 1 or 2) type 1
  • diabetes type with 47% heritability (write type 1 or type 2) type 2
  • treatment of type 1 diabetes is ... ... insulin injections
  • treatment of type 2 diabetes is ... ... e.g., diet environmental regulations

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