
Övningen är skapad 2022-01-13 av skurken. Antal frågor: 87.

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  • toxicants anything that can cause adverse effects on living organisms
  • toxins are produced by living cells
  • toxic a substance with toxic properties
  • legislation known harmful chemicals replaced by others
  • convention vertical
  • advection horizontal
  • dry deposition airborne particles falls down by gravity
  • wet deposition particles or gases that dissolve in water are washed out of the atmosphere by precipitation
  • kd stol adsorption coefficient
  • resuspension waves that make the sand on the bottom of the water to move
  • kow the octane/water coefficient
  • POP persistent organic pollutants
  • POC persistent organic compounds
  • bioconcentration describes the accumulation of a water-born chemical by an aquatic organism
  • BCFss the ratio of the concentration of the substance in a specific genus to the exposure concentration
  • PBT substances persistant bioaccumulative and toxic
  • vPvB substances very persistant and very bio accumulative
  • bioaccumulation net result of adsorption, disruption, excretion and metabolism of a substance in an organism
  • BAF the study-state ration of the substance conc. in an organism to the concentration in the sourinding medium.
  • BSAF biota-sediment accumulation factor
  • TMF trophic magnification factor
  • biomagnification concentration increases in organism with a increase of one trophic level in a food chain
  • trophic dilution the concentration of a substance in a predator is lower than that in its pray
  • secondary poisoning the toxic effects in the higher members of a food chain that result from ingestion of a organism from lower trophic levels that contain accumulated substances
  • good "chemical status" concentration of priority substances should be keept below their respective environmental quality standards
  • EQS concentration of a pollutant in water, sediment, biota that should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the enviroment
  • passive diffusion movement of molecules across the membrane without engird expenditure
  • active transport movement of molecules against a concentration gradient of electrical potential. requires energy.
  • filtration movement of molecules across the membrane due to hydrostatic pressure
  • faciliated diffusion movement of molecules across the membrane using transport proteins
  • endocytosis cells engulf molecules found in the outside
  • free radicals highly reactive and unstable molecules. ny-product produced by oxidation in the body. steels electrons from other molecules.
  • xenobiotic chemical substance found within an organism that is not naturally produced by it
  • metabolism biochemical reactions taking place in living organisms to sustain life and maintain a homeostatic environment
  • biotransformation chemical transformation of a xenobiotic in the body
  • cofactor molecule that is required for the enzyme to function
  • holoenzyme apoenzyme+cofactor
  • coenzyme when the cofactor is an organic substance
  • Phase I enzymatic attachment of a functional group to make the xenobiotic more water-soluble
  • Phase II build up of a lager conjugate
  • UDP-glucuronyltransferase UGT
  • superoxide dismutase SOD
  • catalase CAT
  • Physical filters air borne particles that sticks to the respiratory mucosae
  • chemical filters specificity of nutrient reuptake in the gut
  • site of action place where the effects occur
  • mechanism of action specific cellular biochemical or molecular interaction caused by the xenobiotic on the site of action
  • toxicokinetics how the organism affects the xenobiotic, how the xenobiotic is handled by the organism
  • toxicodynamics how the xenobiotic affects the organism
  • ROS reactive oxygen species. peroxides, superoxide hydroxyl radical
  • Ah Aryl hydrocarbon receptor
  • ARNT Aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translator
  • Toxicodynamics study of toxic action on living systems
  • Additivity if operating on the same mechanism, two toxicants are likely to display additive effects
  • synergism etanol and carbon tetrachloride are more toxic tighter than apart
  • potentiation the potentater has no effect of its own but potentates the other
  • antagonism one toxicant subtract the effects from the other
  • HQ hazard quotient
  • HI hazard identification
  • DRA dose-response assessment
  • NOEL no observed effect level
  • NOEC no observed effect concentration
  • NOAEL no observed adverse effect level
  • LOEL lowest observed effect level
  • LOAEL lowest observed adverse effect level
  • LD50 lethal dose, cause death to 50% of the population
  • LC50 lethal concentration for 50% of the population
  • CPF cancerpotenty factor
  • aggregate dose the level accumulated from multiple exposures
  • cumulative dose the aggregated dose accounting for all exposures affecting the same mechanisms
  • risk benchmark toxic endpoints PNEC/assessment factor
  • Assessment factor addresses the differences between laboratory data and natural conditions
  • ADI acceptable daily intake
  • PNEC Predicted no effect concenration
  • ECR excess cancer risk
  • CPF cancer potenty factor
  • API active pharmaceutical ingredient
  • PEC predicted environmental concentration
  • risk factor PNEC/conc
  • HI exposure/effects
  • HQ ration of exposure dose to the effect dose
  • trophic dilution the conc of a substance in a predator is lower than in its prey
  • secondary poisoning the toxic effects in the higher member of a food chain that resulted of ingestion of organisms from lower levels of the trophic levels that contain accumulated levels of toxicants
  • endocrine disruptors and exogenoussubstans that alters the function(s) in the endocrine system. can cause adversed helat effects to organism, its offspring or populations
  • aggregated dose the accumulated level of multiple exposures
  • cumulative dose the aggregated dose accounting for all exposures affecting the same mechanism

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