Medea - part 1

Övningen är skapad 2023-07-21 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • impetuous acting or done quickly without thought or care (impulsiv)
  • subversive seeking to subvert an established system or institution
  • an intrepid hero a fearless adventurous hero (often used for humorous effect)
  • imbue inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality (genomsyra)
  • machination plot or scheme
  • lineage direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree (check pronunciation)
  • perfidious deceitful or untrustworthy
  • expediency the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral
  • deracinated uprooted from one's natural geographical, social or cultural environment
  • artifice clever or cunning devices or expedients (påhitt, konstgrepp)
  • conjecture an opinion or conclusion formed by incomplete information
  • pantheon all the gods of a people or religion collectively
  • squall a sudden violent gust of wind
  • fierce having or displaying an intense or ferocious agressiveness
  • unbiddable not easily controlled, unruly or disobedient
  • keening the action or wailing in grief for a dead person
  • thresh separate grain from corn (tröska), also move violently
  • exponent person who supports an idea or a theory and tries to persuade people of its truths or benefits
  • litany tedious recital or repetetive series eg of complaints
  • founder about ship, to fill with water and sink. About a house, stumble and fall from exhaustion, lameness etc

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