MCRS Statistical tests

Övningen är skapad 2021-12-12 av AxelGernandt. Antal frågor: 41.

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  • Level of measurement one-sample t-test Test value is hypothetical mean. Test variable is continuous
  • What it does: One sample T-test Compares sample mean to hypothetical population mean
  • Why one-sample t-test Make sure the sample mean is a good fit for hypothetical population
  • Assumption one sample t-test Normal distribution
  • Run One-sample t-test SPSS Analyze > Compare means > One-sample t-test (Assign test variable, insert hypothetical mean in test value)
  • Measure of strength one-sample t-test/Paired/Independent Cohen's d
  • Level of measurement paired samples T Test variable 1 & 2 Continuous
  • What paired sample T does Compares the means of two scales belonging to same respondent to check if population means are significantly different
  • Why paired sample T Compare mean differences within groups in the pop
  • Assumption paired sample T Normal distribution, N>100
  • Paired samples SPSS Assign variables 1 & 2 antichronologically
  • Level of measurement independent ST Grouping X categorical, Test Y continuous
  • What independent S-T does Compare means of two groups determined by a grouping variable to see if the population means are significantly different
  • Why independent S-T Make sure that there is a significant difference between the means of two groups in the population
  • Independent ST Assumption Normal distribution, N>100, Variances in both groups are roughly equal
  • Levene's test significant (<.05) Check second row (equal variances not assumed)
  • Levene's test not significant Equal variances assumed - check first row
  • Independent S-T SPSS Assign test variable(DV) Assign grouping variable(IV)
  • OWA Level of measurement Grouping variables (2IV) Categorical. Dependent continuous
  • TWA/OWA/Regression Relationship direction Assymetrical
  • What OWA does Compares means of more than two groups, F-test sees if there's variance between at least 2 groups. Posthoc looks at differences between groups
  • Why OWA? Compare means of two or more groups while testing effects
  • Assumptions TWA/OWA Normal distribution, Variances in both groups roughly equal (Homogeniety of variances)
  • Observation OWA Only (X) can test model (F-test) and compare means across more than two groups
  • Effect size OWA/TWA EtaSquared
  • TWA Levels of measurement Grouping variables 1 & 2 categorical, Dependent is continuous
  • Why TWA? Adds a categorical moderator for OWA
  • Chi-square level of measurements Nominal/nominal, Nominal/Ordinal, Ordinal
  • Chi: Symmetric/Nominal Cramer's V (Phi for 2x2 tables)
  • Chi: Asymmetric/Nominal Goodman & Kruskals tau
  • Chi: Symmetric/Ordinal Gamma
  • Chi: Asymmetric/Ordinal Somer's D
  • What Chi does Checks if there's any association between two variables
  • Why Chi? We have 2 categorical variables
  • Chi Assumptions Expected counts of at least 1, Max 20% with expected counts >5, Each item contributes to only one cell (mutually exclusive)
  • Regression level of measurement Interval or ratio
  • Measure of effect Regression Pearson's r
  • What regression does Predicts the value of a variable based on the values of other variables
  • Why regression Check if IV can predict a single DV, and to check whether each of these IV's are significant predictors of the DV or not
  • Assumption regression Linearity
  • Observation regression Slope, R2 as percentage

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