MCRS: Qualitative approach

Övningen är skapad 2021-12-07 av AxelGernandt. Antal frågor: 36.

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  • Emphasis on social process How patterns of events unfold over time. Social worlds characterized by change and flux
  • Flexibility and limited structure No prior contamination by rigid schedules. Concepts and theory grounded in data
  • Sensitizing concepts intertextuality
  • Qualitative research approach Reporting in words, understanding in depth, emphasis on participant perspectives, purposive sampling
  • Quantitative research approach Reporting in numbers, understanding in breadth, statistical sampling, generalizing from samplings
  • Constructionism "What is there to know?"
  • Interpretivism (interpreting responses) "How we know what we know and how we get there"
  • "How to acquire knowledge?" Inductive way of working, from observation to theory
  • Data gathering in qualit Methods of watching and listening
  • Unstructured interview No predetermined questions. Conversational style
  • Semi structured interview (most common) List of specific topics to cover (interview guide). Flexible question ordering and phrasing. Seeking rich detailed answers, aims to understand
  • Fully structured interview Predetermined questions (and sometimes answers)
  • Focus groups Form of group interview from people in a specific social context
  • Focus groups are NOT A means of interviewing people more efficiently
  • Group discussions can generate Different information than interviewing individuals. A wide range of views/opinions.
  • Social desirability bias Make ceiling high in group discussion to make people comfortable with speaking their true mind
  • Ethnography "People-writing"
  • Observing Not necessarily focused on providing understanding. Describing for example communication behaviors in groups. Not interacting with participants
  • Unobtrusive Observing people without them knowing to asses differences between what people tell researcher and what they actually do
  • Observer as participant Participating in group context a little bit
  • Participant as observer Joining meeting, but observing at the same time
  • Complete participation Not disclosing identity as researcher
  • Grounded theory approach Data collection and analysis are done hand in hand, useful for generating theoretical concepts
  • Senzitizing concepts To give a general sense of reference and guidance. Allow discovery of varied forms of phenomena. Are capable of being narrowed down.
  • Generic purposive sampling Criteria for individuals are determined by RQ's, in advance of sampling and remain fixed through the process.
  • Purposive sampling Units are selected on basis of relevance to RQ's. Specific and clear criteria to determine inclusion/exclusion of units of analysis. Not generalizeable
  • Theoretical sampling Most widely used in quali. Ongoing process: collecting, coding etc. Want to achieve theoretical saturation
  • Theoretical saturation Reached when categories and concepts are dense enough, no more data collection needed
  • Mixed methods approach Results of one method can be cross-checked against the other. Qualitative interviews can be conducted to check and correct quantitative data
  • Potential Quantitative Criticism Too subjective (that's what's interesting). Difficult to replicate (Flexibility increases internal validity). Problems of generalization (We generalize in terms of theoretical concepts rather than numbers)
  • External validity QA Generalization (-)
  • External reliability QA Replication (-)
  • Internal validity Good fit between data and theory (+)
  • Internal reliability Inter-observer consistency (+)
  • Sequence Order in which questions are asked
  • Prompts Follow-up questions that keep interview progressing

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