Övningen är skapad 2021-10-15 av AxelGernandt. Antal frågor: 43.

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  • Empiricism research based on observation
  • rationalism reason as chief source and test of knowledge
  • observation is based on empiricism
  • tenacity we've always done it or understood it this way
  • scientific research systematic process of gathering theoretical knowledge through observation (following a set of rules)
  • empirical research research based on social reality
  • research is systematic and cumulative1 builds on previous research
  • research is systematic and cumulative2 in search of patterns and associations
  • communication research systematic process of asking and answering questions about human communication
  • quantitative research measurement, numbers, testing theory
  • qualitative research no measurement, words, generating theory
  • experimental research design causal (effects)
  • correlational research design cross-sectional, longitudinal (associations)
  • Observational data collection method observe people/behaviors during experiments
  • posing questions data collection method survey, in depth interviews, focus groups
  • analysis data collection method analyze content of existing sources
  • human communication research requirement ethical decisions
  • empirically testable should be possible to collect info/evidence that will either support or contradict hypothesis
  • replicable we should be able to repeat the original study
  • objectivity ability to replicate study without original researcher. clearly defined description, leave no room for personal interpretation
  • transparency researchers need to publicly state what conclusions were made, assumptions defined etc
  • falsifiable has to be something that could contradict or change belief. Contradictions should be possible
  • logical consistency (coherence) can't change the interpretation of a result after the data is in, adhering to the hypothesis
  • verification confirm, interpretative approach
  • falsification refutation, analytical approach
  • is hypothesis a truth? no it could probably be falsified
  • hypothesis describes general pattern or relation. can be supported/not supported/strongly supported
  • theory overarching explanation of many related phenomena. built up by hypotheses that are plausible, closest thing to certainty we have
  • nomothetic approach rules and patterns
  • idiographic approach uniqueness of subjects, objects or phenomena
  • Universalistic research general explanation
  • Particularistic research explanations for a particular phenomena
  • applied research in order to improve human condition (often particularistic)
  • fundamental research research for the sake of knowing (often universalistic)
  • one-tailed hypothesis specific expectation about direction of effect
  • two-tailed hypothesis no specific expectation about direction of effect
  • asymmetrical relationship a causal relationship is expected (x leads to y)
  • symmetrical relationship not sure of a causal relationship (x >< y)
  • positive relationship hypothesis variables move in the same direction (the higher the x the higher the y)
  • negative relationship hypothesis variables move in opposite direction (the lower the x the higher the y)
  • dichotomous independent variable has 2 values
  • mediated relationship dependent variable depends on independent and mediator (x is explained by y which leads to z)
  • moderated relationship conditional effect (does x lead to y because of a difference in gender)

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