Maus: Mouse Trap

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-25 av jodemf. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • to plead to beg
  • cough up dough to pay
  • be pragmatic be practical
  • a nickel five cent
  • a pauper a very poor person
  • a janitor a handyman, but employed
  • a courtyard a backyard
  • be bound to recognize you be able to identify someone
  • to scout explore
  • the outskirts of town outer areas of a town
  • to betray break a trust
  • construction site a location where you build
  • a foundation the base of a building
  • acquaintances someone you know
  • suspicious having doubts
  • cost me a lot of hairs causing stress
  • sweets shop candy store
  • to call it off to cancel
  • be reasonable to act in a sensible way
  • to convince to persuade

Alla Inga

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