Övningen är skapad 2023-12-17 av hannahentze. Antal frågor: 19.

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  • 14.1) What is = and ≠ meaning? = there is no linear relation, ≠ there is a linear relation
  • if the absolute value of r │r│is > the critical value there is... ? A linear correlation
  • Favorite TV show Qualitative
  • Number of students in Math 2 class Quantitative
  • Area of a park continuous
  • The number of chairs in the class discrete
  • r should be between what numbers? -1 and 1
  • For chapter 14 (B) it is always = ≠ what number? 0
  • Key word for chpater 14 (B)? Residuals
  • Requirements for chapter 14 (B)? SRS & Residuals normally distributed
  • What calculator option for chapter 14 (B)? Lin Reg TTest
  • P-value > α Do not reject Ho
  • P value < α Reject Ho
  • What is analysis of variance? Anova
  • Requirements for ANOVA? SRS, Independent, Normally distributed & 2 x S > L
  • What is the H0 for ANOVA? H0: M1 = M2 = M3 etc.
  • What is the H1 for ANOVA? At least one mean is different from the others.
  • What is the requrements for Goodness of fit? SRS, Normally distributed, E1≥1, no more than 20% expected values is less than 5
  • What are the requirements for T? SRS, N ≥ 30 or normally distributed, n <5%

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