maori counting stuffs

Övningen är skapad 2018-06-19 av Veritaz. Antal frågor: 37.

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Alla Inga

  • Tokohia how many? (people)
  • tokohia nga kuia? how many elderly women are there?
  • kotahi te kuia there is one elderly woman
  • tokohia nga tangata? how many people are there?
  • tokotoru nga tangata there are three people
  • kotahi te there is one
  • tokowaru nga there are eight
  • tekau nga there are ten
  • tokohia nga tane? how many men are there?
  • tokorua nga tane there are two men
  • tokohia nga tamariki? how many children are there?
  • tokowha nga tamariki there are four children
  • E hia o tau? how old are you?
  • e rua tekau ma tahi oku tau I am 21 years old
  • tekau ma waru oku tau I am 18 years old
  • e hia ona tau? how old is she?
  • e iwa ona tau she is nine years old
  • e tekau ma whitu ona tau he is 17
  • e hia nga tau o Lisa? How old is Lisa?
  • E whitu tekau ma rima nga tau o Lisa Lisa is 75 years old
  • e toru tekau ma waru nga tao o Luna Luna is 38 years old
  • tara dollar
  • heneti cents
  • Tekau ma rima tara, rima tekau heneti te utu mo tena pukapuka 15.50 is the cost of that book
  • e hia te utu mo te peke riwai ra? How much is that bag of potatoes?
  • e rua tara, iwa tekau ma rima heneti te utu 2.95 is the cost
  • he aha te utu mo te rorohiko na? what is the cost of that computer?
  • e rua mano, kotahi rau tara te utu mo te rorohiko nei 2100 is the cost of this computer
  • e aha te utu what is the cost
  • e hia te utu how much is the cost
  • kia hia? how many (are needed)?
  • kia hia nga heki? how many eggs?
  • kia rua nga heki two eggs
  • kia hia nga tikiti? how many tickets?
  • kia rima nga tikiti five tickets
  • kia hia nga riwai? how many potatoes?
  • kia kotahi te riwai one potatoe

Alla Inga

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