Luckmeningar spread-write

Övningen är skapad 2018-10-28 av carwin. Antal frågor: 28.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim across the English channel. (simma)
  • Five men had successfully swum the channel before Gertrude. (simmat)
  • Gertrude's record stood for twenty years until Florence Chadwick swam the channel in 13 hours 20 minutes. (simmade)
  • Someone stole my shoes at the party yesterday. (stal)
  • The ashes from the volcano spread across Iceland. (spred sig)
  • Did you get it? I didn't understand a word she said. (förstod)
  • I can't get this stupid wallpaper to stick to the wall. (fastna)
  • I just love to teach English. (undervisa)
  • Tom swore that he would never forget how Paul had betrayed him. (svor)
  • Have I told you about the plans for the party? (berättat)
  • Be quiet so you don't wake the baby. (väcker)
  • Did you know that Madonna writes children's books? (skriver)
  • No one knows when the burglar will strike again. (slå till)
  • We had to stand in line for hours to get tickets for the concert. (stå)
  • I had never taken that road to school before. (tagit)
  • The clock struck twleve. (slog)
  • She just knew that she was going to win the race. (vinna)
  • Please help me. I'm stuck in mud and I can't get out. (fast)
  • To make papier mâche you tear some paper and mix it with glue. (riva sönder)
  • Sue stood and waited at the bus stop for thirty minutes. (stod)
  • Lucy had spread a vicious rumor about her ex-boyfriend. (spridit)
  • Tim wore a hideous shirt at the party last Saturday. (hade på sig)
  • Sue couldn't stand living with Tim anymore so she threw him out. (slängde)
  • I have never thought about it like this before. (tänkt)
  • My teenage daughter never tells me anything. (berättar)
  • When we finally realized we had taken the wrong bus, it was too late to get off. (tagit)
  • Do you ever think about the future? (tänker)
  • She wept a few tears after her children had left home but then she was good to go again. (grät)

Alla Inga

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