Luckmeningar forget-lead

Övningen är skapad 2018-10-28 av carwin. Antal frågor: 22.

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Alla Inga

  • Don't forget your homework for next week. (glöm)
  • Anne had never grown her own tomatoes before. (odlat)
  • Many soldiers have been hurt in battle. (sårade)
  • Could you give me your phone number, please? (ge)
  • Tom and Laura went to Spain last week. (åkte)
  • The killer led his victim to a secluded area of the park. (ledde)
  • Mary has a gorgeous dress on tonight. (har)
  • Yesterday, I heard a really funny story. (hörde)
  • Tom never forgave Sue for cheating on him. (förlät)
  • There is no way we can eat all these strawberries. We will have to freeze some. (frysa ned)
  • Yesterday I got a call from my boss. I'm fired. (fick)
  • Mr Jones hates it when his students hide his keys. (gömmer)
  • Tom was such a sweatheart. He held my had the whole time. (höll)
  • I want to lay you down in a bed of roses. (lägga)
  • It is impossible to hit the target from here. (träffa)
  • We have known each other since we were kids. (känt)
  • We've discovered that Kim is allergic to dogs so we cannot keep ours. (behålla)
  • In ballroom dancing it is always the man who leads . (för)
  • We have had a fantastic holiday. (haft)
  • The little boy hid from his mom. (gömde sig)
  • Do you know about the test tomorrow? (känner ni till)
  • The runner had given his all but he still lost the race. (gett)

Alla Inga

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