Luckmeningar cost-fly

Övningen är skapad 2018-10-24 av carwin. Antal frågor: 23.

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Alla Inga

  • The old oak tree fell down during the storm last autumn. (föll)
  • Do you think it is possible to dig a hole to China? (gräva)
  • I had never driven a motorcycle before. (kört)
  • Promise me that you will never drink and drive. (dricka)
  • I'm busy, so could you please feed the baby. (mata)
  • I do the cooking and my husband does the cleaning. (göra, sköta)
  • That dress costs a fortune, but it's so beautiful that it is almost worth it. (kostar)
  • Mike had never felt so disappointed before. (känt sig)
  • My son is quite the artist. He draws amazing pictures of animals. (ritar)
  • Sue had never eaten sushi before but she decided to give it a try. (ätit)
  • I can help you if you want, but it will cost you. (kosta)
  • Ben had found the perfect girl but she was already married. (hittat)
  • My dog has dug a really big hole in the back yard. (grävt)
  • We are going to feel much better after this. (känna)
  • Tim had chosen the movie for movie night but no one liked it. (valt)
  • I have dreamt of this day for so long and now it is finally here. (drömt)
  • My stomach hurts. I think I drank too much orange juice. (drack)
  • I don't like to fight but some battles need to be fought . (utkämpade)
  • Do you realize what you have done ? (gjort)
  • The people of Brisbane fled the flood. (flydde)
  • Steve looks much better now since he cut his hair short. (klippte)
  • Sometimes I wish I could fly away like a bird. (flyga)
  • I didn't find what I was looking for. (hittade)

Alla Inga

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