Long Sleeping in Space

Övningen är skapad 2022-02-11 av disalofman. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • try to do something seek to
  • a state of deep sleep hibernation
  • boring, for too long tedious
  • very much, widely hugely
  • small wild animal with its spikes on its back hedgehog
  • extended, continuing for a long time prolonged
  • warm-blooded animals whose babies drink its milk mammal
  • final, convincing conclusive
  • get, achieve obtain
  • suffering from a lack of sleep sleep deprived
  • repair, refresh restore
  • a substance that the body needs to live and grow nutrient
  • one’s family and relation kin
  • cause something to happen induce
  • keep retain
  • new and original novel
  • analyse in detail dissect
  • network, pathway circuit
  • widely spread, at a large scale wheather
  • what it is like outside, like rain or wind weather
  • besides, except for aside from
  • tight, low, insufficient scarce
  • the pace of your heart heart rate
  • fluctuate vary
  • keep up, preserve, continue maintain

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