little miss fix-it

Övningen är skapad 2023-09-04 av Mdkdkdd1. Antal frågor: 18.

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Alla Inga

  • indentation inward bend
  • plump for to choose one from a selection
  • muted soft and gentle, not very strong
  • flighty not serious or reliable
  • juvenile silly or immature
  • mortgage loan of money to buy a house
  • feasible can be done or achieved
  • gander a look
  • tetanus an acute infection disease
  • gauze light, soft cloth with holes in it
  • timid shy, no self-confidence
  • elaborate made with a lot of artistic details
  • résumé written description of your education and previous jobs
  • meticulous very careful with details
  • pretext reason which you pretend has caused you to do something
  • wince the muscles of your face suddenly tighten because you are in pain
  • demeanour the way you behave
  • simultaneous happening or being done at exactly the same time

Alla Inga

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