Literary words exam 29/8 (all the words)

Övningen är skapad 2017-08-28 av soniabiria. Antal frågor: 45.

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  • Main character/protagonist The main character in a story, novel, drama or other literary work. It is the character that the reader empathizes with.
  • Round character A character who is very detailed and the reader is able to see and visualize all sides of this character.
  • Flat character A character with a simple personality. Often called one or two dimensional characters.
  • Major character A character who is vital to the development and resolution of the conflict.
  • Minor character A character who complement the major characters and help move the plot events forward.
  • Typification Typified characters display one dominant feature which represent an abstract idea or the general traits of a group of persons.
  • Individualization Emphasize a multiplicity of character traits in a literary figure.
  • First person narration The story is told by a character who is part of the plot. Referring to her or himself in first person singular.
  • Omniscient point of view God like, all knowing perspective by referring to the protagonist in the third person. Is not in the story.
  • Figural narrative situation The narrator moves in the background and reveals the plot solely.
  • Homodegetic Narrator who is also the protagonist or other character in the story. Has limited knowledge.
  • Heterodiegetic narrator Narrator that is not a character in the story. Has unlimited knowledge.
  • Third person narration From the perspective of a character that is not directly involved in the story.
  • Focalization Denotes through whose eyes the reader experiences the plot.
  • Narrative voice Denoting who speaks. The narrator of the story.
  • Modernism A literary era. The litterature is written in the modern age with much focus on love, society etc. F. Scott Fitzgerald and Virginia Woolf are great example of authors from this era.
  • Postcolonial theory A theory about behaviours after the colonialisation ended.
  • Lacuna Means "gap" or "empty space". Refers to when there's a hole in the plot.
  • Metaphor Equating one thing with another without actually comparing the two. Ex: my love is a red, red rose.
  • Point of view The perspective of when a story is told. Could be in first person, omniscient or figurative narrative.
  • Stanza Element of the visual dimension of a poem that can be classified according to the number of its lines.
  • Simile Comparing two different things by connecting them with "like, than, as or compare". Ex: My love is LIKE a red, red rose.
  • Alliteration When the rhyming is on the first consonant of each word in a line.
  • Sonnet A form of poetry that consists of several stanzas with a consistent rhyming scheme. The sonnet often deals with the subject 'wordly love'.
  • Denouement The resolution of the issue of a complicated plot.
  • Bildungsroman Development of a protagonist from childhood to maturity.
  • Epic There's often a hero who has to prove himself in numeros adventures and trials.
  • Exposition Used to introduce background information about events, setting, characters etc.
  • Flashback Plot that introduces events from the past.
  • Foreshadowing Plot that brings information from the future into the current action.
  • Imagery A story is told through similies and metaphors to give life to feelings and settings.
  • Linear plot The plot begins at a certain point, moves through a series of events to a climax and then ends up at another point.
  • Discontinous narrative Narrative that do not follow a linear line.
  • Symbol Using an object or action that means something more than its literal meaning. Ex: "a new dawn" doesn't only mean the beginning of a new day but also signifies a new start, fresh chance to begin and so on.
  • The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Shooting Butterflies Marika Cobbold
  • The woman who walked into doors Roddy Doyle
  • Amsterdam Ian Mcewan
  • Educating Rita Willy Russell
  • The Second Comin William Yeats
  • The Road Not Taken Robert Frost
  • Snake DH Lawrence
  • Daddy Sylvia Plath
  • High Windows Philip Larking
  • Assonance The first vowel of a word is repeated within the same line.

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