Literary Terms

Övningen är skapad 2023-10-16 av paunchy. Antal frågor: 11.

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  • Protagonist The main person in the story who tries to achieve a goal.
  • Antagonist The person or thing that makes it difficult for the protagonist to reach their goal.
  • Character A person, animal, or object that takes part in the events of the story.
  • Setting (Time and Place) Where and when the story happens.
  • The phrase "The story is set" This tells us the time and place where the story takes place.
  • Theme The big idea or message that the story wants to share.
  • Motif A repeated idea, image, or pattern that helps to explain the theme.
  • Plot The sequence of events that happen in the story from start to finish.
  • Message What the story wants you to understand or learn.
  • Narrator The person who tells the story.
  • Point of View The perspective from which the story is told, such as first-person or third-person.

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