
Övningen är skapad 2019-10-17 av Bellanotte66. Antal frågor: 46.

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  • what is phonetics? the scientific study of the characteristics of speech sounds
  • What is articulary phonetics? the study of how speech sounds are made
  • what is acoustic phonetics? the physical properties of speech as sound waves
  • what is auditory/perceptual phonetics? the perception of speech sounds via the ear
  • What is the phonetic definition of a consonant? a speech sound produced by restricting the airflow with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract
  • what is the phonological definition of a consonant a speech sound that cannot function as the nucleus in a syllable
  • What are the places in the mouth where the constriction of a consonant takes place? bilabial, alveolar, labiodental, interdental, velar, uvular, postaveolar
  • what are the manners of consonats? stops, fricatives, affricates, nasals, liquids
  • what are voiced consonants? vocal chords drawn together and vibrate
  • what are voiceless consonants? the vocal chords are spread apart no vibration
  • what is the phonetic def. of a vowel? a sound produced through the vocal chords without constriction of the airflow in the mouth
  • what is the phonological def. of a vowel? a sound that can form the nucleus of a syllable
  • tense vowels are...? long
  • lax vowels are..? short
  • what is phonology? the systematic organization of sounds in particular languages
  • what is a phoneme? a unit of sound that distinguish one word from another
  • what is an allophone? one of a set of multiple spoken sounds or signs used to pronounce a single phoneme
  • what is phonotactics? the constraints on sequences or positions of phonemes
  • what is a syllable? a unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds
  • what is the obligatory part of a syllable? the nucleus
  • what are the coarticulation effects? assimilation, nasalization, elision
  • what is assimilation? a feature/aspect of one phoneme affects another
  • what is nasalization? non-nasal sounds become nasal
  • what is elision? a sound disappears
  • What is duality/double articulation? the meaningless phonemes combine into meaningful morphemes
  • what is a morpheme? the smallest meaningful bearing unit in a language
  • two kinds of morphemes? bound, free
  • two kinds of free morphemes? lexical, functional
  • three kinds of bound morphemes? inflectional, derivational, lexical
  • what is an inflectional morpheme? changes the form, but the word is the same, plural s and past tense -ed
  • what is a derivational morpheme? derives new word, often different word class
  • what is a bound lexical morpheme? such as cran- in cran-berry and -peat in re-peat
  • what is a prefix? before the stem, such as un- in unhappy
  • what is a suffix? after the stem, such as -er in driver
  • what is an infix? inside the stem
  • what is a circumfix? around the stem
  • how do we get new words? derivation, compounding, conversion, borrowing, calque, coinage, clipping
  • new word by derivation by means of affixes, free > freedom
  • new word by compounding often noun+noun, corkscrew
  • new word by conversion change of word class, forward (adverb > verb)
  • new word by borrowing untranslated loanword, smorgasbord
  • new word by calque translated loanword, superman (origin is german)
  • new word by coinage newly invented words, google, aspirin
  • new word by clipping shortening of word, lab from laboratory, photo from photograph
  • what are the modal verbs? can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would
  • what are the auxiliary verbs? be, do, have

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