Lagerlöf 3.2 survival

Övningen är skapad 2022-01-18 av Sifl. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • stroll a slow walk
  • bear cub a baby bear
  • undergrowth plants that grow under trees
  • paw the paw of an animal like a bear or a dog
  • at the mercy of in a position where someone has control of you
  • swipe to move a arm quickly, often to hit something
  • stale old, unpleasant
  • roar the loud noise made by a big predetor
  • independent not controlled by other people
  • anxious nervous, scared, frightened
  • drag to pull something heavy along the ground
  • while despite the fact
  • raise to bring up children
  • tolerate to accept somthing not nice
  • scavange to gather food that other have left
  • hunter so who looks for animals to kill
  • power of speech the ability to speak
  • emigrate to move to another country
  • common shared
  • seek out to look for
  • distress flare a light you can shoot in the air when you have problems
  • shrine a special building for religous people
  • lizard a snake like reptile with four legs
  • oasis a small lake in the desert
  • nomads people who don't have a fixed home but move around

Alla Inga

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