Kryptering & Kodning

Övningen är skapad 2020-05-05 av kaelg001. Antal frågor: 19.

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Alla Inga

  • asymmetric cryptosystem ?
  • binary symmetric channel ?
  • chosen ciphertext attack ?
  • cyclic code A # is a linear code such that any cyclic right shift of a codeword is again a codeword.
  • Diffie-Hellman problem ?
  • diffusion # is the idea that a small change of a plaintext should have a large effect on the corresponding ciphertext. With a high diffusion the chance for a ciphertext character to change given that one single character of the plaintext is modified should be the same no matter the position of the ciphertext character.
  • discrete logarithm if h≡g^x (mod p) ⇒ x=log_g(h), Given a prime p; a primitive root modulo p and any element ∈ (Z_p)* the # of (with respect to modulo p) is the (unique) element x ∈ Z_{p-1} that fulfills ^x≡ (mod p)
  • Electronic Code Book (ECB) ?
  • Feistel system ?
  • Hamming weight ?
  • Kerckhoffs principle When designing new cryptosystems the security should only rely on keeping the keys secret and not on keeping the algorithms for encryption and decryption secret.
  • length of a code ?
  • linear code ?
  • Meet-in-the-Middle Attack The # is a known-plaintext attack that can be used (for instance) in Double DES. Let E_K and D_K denote the DES encryption and decryption mapping respectively where K is a DES key. The pair of keys used for Double DES must then be found among all pair of keys (K';K'') that fulfils E_K'(m) = D_K''(c) where (m; c) denotes the known plaintext/ciphertext pair.
  • minimal distance of a code ?
  • minimal Hamming weight wt(C) of a code C The minimal weight of a code C is wt(C) = min{wt(c) | c ∈ C; c ≠ 0} i.e. it is equal to the least number of non-zero bits among all the non-zero words of the code.
  • size of a code ?
  • symmetric cryptosystem ?
  • Vigenère encrypted ?

Alla Inga

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