Kapitel 24 5e upplagan

Övningen är skapad 2023-10-11 av JosefinnNilsson. Antal frågor: 9.

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  • Adjustment of circulatory systems when O2 dependent organs and tissues get the reserved O2 while the rest of the tissues start to work anaerobic when their O2 supplies are empty, to keep the animal under the surface for a longer time
  • Diving bradycardia decrease in heart rate during diving, important to animals to stay submerged for extended periods
  • Slow metabolic rate lengthen the time diving
  • High blood buffering capacity The animals have a capacity for changes in pH caused by CO2 and lactic acid. They also have blunted (reduced) ventilatory sensitivity to the stimuli of breathing compared to terrestrial species
  • Aerobic dive limit, ADL The longest possible dive without a net accumulation of lactic acid above resting level
  • Tissue cooling there the animal let its body temperature to decline modestly during diving to inhibit shivering --> which gives them a longer ADL
  • Delay in food processing they postpone the digestive processing of their prey until they are breathing air again
  • Limiting the cost of swimming instead they us gliding or other high-efficiency modes of locomotion --> providing more self-sinking
  • Decompression sickness diver’s disease caused by N2 absorption from a compressed-air source, which create bubbles in the blood and other tissues --> block blood flow, press on nerve endings and disturb the structures of protein

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