Kapitel 21 5e upplagan

Övningen är skapad 2023-10-11 av JosefinnNilsson. Antal frågor: 27.

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  • Ram ventilation Fishes holding their mouth open while swimming powerfully forward and thereby ramming water into its buccal cavity and across the gills which lower the metabolic cost of ventilation
  • Gas-exchange membrane, respiratory-exchange membrane a thin layer of tissue consisting of just one or two cell layers which separate internal tissues from the environment medium
  • External respiration, breathing the process by which oxygen is transported to the gas-exchange membrane from the environment medium and carbon dioxide is transported from the gas-exchange membrane to the environment medium
  • Ventilation bulk flow of air and water to and from the gas-exchange membrane during breathing
  • Branchial structures or processes associated with gills
  • Pulmonary structures that are associated with lungs
  • External gills located at the surface which permits water currents to flow over the gills
  • Internal gills enclosed within a superficial body cavity and require the animal to use metabolic energy to ventilate
  • Dual breather, bimodal breather an animal that can breathe from either air or water Cocurrent gas exchange = the medium flows along the gas-exchange membrane in the same direction as the blood
  • Countercurrent gas exchange the medium and blood flows in opposite directions
  • Continuous breathing Humans and mammals using this breathing where each breath is followed by another breath in a regular uninterrupted rhythm
  • Intermittent breathing, periodic breathing Used by lizards, snakes and turtles for example, where breathing is regularly interrupted by extended periods of non-breathing
  • Apnea periods of no breathing when the glottis is closed so the muscles can relax without letting air out
  • Alveolar duct Where the final bronchioles and blindly in mammals
  • Alveoli Semispherical out-pocketing as a collective term
  • Conducting airways conduct air and clean, warm and moist it
  • Anatomical dead space the gas volume contained in the conducting airways
  • Respiratory airways Where gas exchange between air and blood occurs
  • Tidal volume the volume of air inhaled and exhaled per breath
  • Expiratory reserve volume the maximum volume of air that an individual can expel beyond the resting expiratory level
  • Inspiratory reserve volume the maximum volume of air that can be inhaled beyond the resting inspiratory level
  • Vital capacity The maximal tidal volume, then fully using both reserves and thus is sum of the resting tidal volume, resting inspiratory and expiratory volumes
  • Relaxation volume When the elastic system of lungs and thoracis wall are free of any external forces
  • Pre-Bötzinger complex Neuron clusters within the ventrolateral medulla of the brain stream which control the breathing rhythm
  • Carotid and aortic bodies chemoreceptive bodies outside the central nervous system that detect blood hypoxia in mammals
  • Pulmonary surfactant A complex mixture of metabolically produced lipids and proteins which makes the alveoli in normal lungs not to behave as simple aqueous bubbles, and help keeping all alveoli similar in size
  • Cross current gas exchange When ventilation is unidirectional, blood flow breaks into multiple streams each one undergoes exchange with the medium (birds breating)

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