Julius Caesar Definitions

Övningen är skapad 2024-12-18 av kajjann. Antal frågor: 59.

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  • abridge to shorten, to diminish
  • affable friendly, courteous, amiable
  • alchemist one who practices medieval chemestry-metals->gold
  • ascend to move upward
  • augment to make greater or to supplement
  • augury an omen or prophecy
  • baseness the quality of lacking higher values
  • bequeath to hand down, to give or to leav in a will
  • bestow to grant or to give
  • clamor loud noise or shouting
  • conceit excessively high opinion of one's own worth or ability
  • confound to cause one to become confused
  • contaminant something that causes impurity
  • covert secret, concealed
  • crave to desire intensely
  • derision scoffing at, mockery, ridicule
  • enfranchise to give or to bestow something such as the right to vote or citizenship
  • engender to cause, to produce, to create
  • entreaty a plea, an earnest request
  • exalt to glorify, to praise, to raise in rank
  • flourish to thrive, to grow well
  • gravity seriousness, importance
  • greivous characterized by severe suffering or sorrow, serious or grave
  • hideous very uggly, offensive, shocking
  • homage respect shown by external action
  • indignation anger as a result of something unjust
  • instigation urging, provocation
  • kindle to start a fire, to stir up
  • knotty so complicated that it can probably not be solved
  • lament to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner
  • legacy a gift by will, something handed down by an ancestor or predecessor
  • malice desire to harm others
  • melancholy depression of spirits
  • mettle courage or spirit
  • mirth gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter
  • muse to ponder
  • mutinous rebellious, unruly
  • obscure difficult to see, vague
  • ominous threatening
  • portent a sign or forewarning
  • prodigious extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree, great in size, enormous
  • prodigy one with exeptional talents or powers
  • prostration a stretching out due to lacking vitality and being completely overcome
  • replicate to repeat, to copy, or to duplicate
  • reputable having a good reputation
  • revere to honor, to regard with respect
  • rhetoric the art of using words effectively in speaking or writing
  • rout to gouge out to make a furrow
  • servile overly submissive
  • soothsayer a person who is able to predict the future
  • spurn to reject or to refuse with hostility
  • sterile incapable of reproducing
  • taper to decrease in thickness or width
  • tarry to delay in coming or going
  • unassailable not able to be attacked with succes
  • vanquished conquerd, overpowerd
  • vexation discomfort or distress
  • vouchsafe to grant in a condescending manner
  • vulgarity something offensive to good taste and refinement

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