J.Java May 2022

Övningen är skapad 2022-08-01 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 67.

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Alla Inga

  • bantam any type of small variety of fowl, usually chicken or duck
  • banty a short or small often agressive person
  • rad extremely exciting or good¨
  • crafter someone who makes decorative objects with their hands
  • ornery bad tempered or difficult to deal with
  • an ornery old military man en grinig gammal militär
  • discombobulated confused
  • truism a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting
  • full-bore full speed or maximum capacity
  • allocation the process of sharing out something, tilldelning
  • hone in on a target to find and go directly towards a target
  • hone your skills carefully develop your skills over a long period of time
  • the daily scrum a short daily meeting to plan the day's agenda
  • fray a noisy quarrel or brawl
  • viable capable of working propely, feasible
  • deleterious effect harmful effect, causing damage
  • inexorability in a way that is impossible to stop or prevent, obönhörlig
  • proliferation rapid increase in the number or amount of something
  • mugshot a photograph taken by the police
  • extradite to hand over a person accused or convicted of a crime to the jurisdiction of the foreign state where the crime was committed
  • spectre ghost
  • the spectre of an economically damaging trade war with the UK something widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurence (like trade war with the UK)
  • raise the spectre to cause concern that something unfortunate might happen
  • waiving all checks decide that you will not ask for something for example a check or payment
  • unilaterally affects only one person or side
  • dag a lock of whool matted with dung hanging from the hind of a sheep
  • outlier a person or thing different from all other members of a group/situated away or detached from
  • mell to meddle, blend, mix, concern oneself
  • a tectonic plate had shifted ett enormt skifte hade skett (jordplatta)
  • proxy the authority to represent someone else, esp in voting
  • placation strategy soothing or appeasing strategy
  • placate the act of soothing or appeasing, making less angry
  • smear campaign a campaign to damage the reputation of someone by false accusations, slander
  • kibble dogfood, ground meal in the shape of pellets
  • ramson ramslök
  • profligacy reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources
  • sprawling spreading out over a large area in an indistinct or irregular way
  • devious sneaky, dishonest, having many twists and turns
  • a busman's holiday a holiday or vacation involving the same things you do at work
  • MO modus operandi, the way of operating
  • bum face an unattractive, despicable or hated person
  • hogging the limelight take all the attention in a selfish way
  • succinct briefly and clearly expressed
  • belatedly later than should have been the case
  • vindicate clear someone of blame or suspicion, show or prove to be right
  • insouciently showing a casual lack of concern
  • pernicious having a harmful effect
  • farrago a confused mixture, ett hopkok
  • a solid precedent an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances, prejudikat
  • white goods large domestic appliances such as refrigerator or washing machine
  • batty mad, insane
  • spin doctor a spokesperson employed to give a favorable interpretation of events to the media, especially on behalf of a political party
  • bluebottle spyfluga
  • in flagrante delicto red-handed, på bar gärning
  • my ears burning someone has a feeling that the other person is talking about him or her
  • contrite feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong, ångerfull
  • prurient having or encouraging an interest in sexual matters, especially the sexual activity of others
  • affably friendly, easy to talk to, good-natured
  • under duress under threat, violence, constraints
  • far be it for me a disclaimer, when you are criticizing and want to seem less hostile
  • dungarees hängselbyxor
  • rictus a fixed grimace or grin (tänk Jokern i Batman)
  • earwig secretly listen to a conversation + tvestjärt
  • fad an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, esp short-lived
  • bilious extremely unpleasant or distasteful
  • marred by impaired the quality or appearance of, spoiled by
  • ousted from power drive out or expel from a position or place of power

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