J.Java June 2022

Övningen är skapad 2022-06-27 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 40.

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Alla Inga

  • fedora hat, flatter brim than trilby
  • piffle nonsense
  • pure piffle pure nonsense
  • detain keep someone in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime
  • snuff out dissent extinguish, out a sudden end to dissent (like a candlelight by pinching the wick)
  • dissent the holding or expression of opinion at a variance with those commonly or officially held
  • invertebrate an animal lacking backbone
  • angler a person who fishes with a rod and a line
  • flotsam the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating or washed up by the sea, people or things that have been rejected or discarded as worthless
  • seditious conspiracy inciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state or a monarch
  • gawk stare openly and stupidly
  • neck and neck with level in a race or other competition
  • hike a sharp increase, esp in price
  • the biggest interest rate hike since 1994 den största räntehöjningen sedan 1994
  • excelsior used in the name of hotels to indicate superior quality
  • excelsior softwood shavings used for packaging fragile goods or stuffing furniture, träull
  • threadbare cloth worn thin and soft with age, tattered. Can also mead worn out about an argument or excuse, used so long it has lost its effect
  • perimeter a continous line defining the boundary of a close geometrical figure
  • arbor berså
  • conk out early fall asleep early
  • RV recreational vehicle
  • a dainty teacup a teacup that is delicately small and pretty
  • affidavit vidimering
  • movie tie-in cover reprint of a novel rebranded to tie in with its film adaptation
  • unvetted not thoroughly examined
  • esophagus matstrupe
  • worth her salt (woman) good or competent at the job or profession specified
  • rhinestone an imitation diamond used in cheap jewellery and to decorate clothes, strass
  • live vicariously through you experience the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
  • coterie a small group of people sharing the same interest
  • brawny physically strong, muscular
  • mesh tyg av myggnätstyp
  • incandescent mile a passionate smile, full of strong emotion
  • snake oil a substance with no real mechanical value sold as remedy for all diseases
  • debunk expose the falseness or hollowness of an idea or belief
  • cursor muspekare
  • filch a cookie steal a cookie secretly or casually
  • epitaph something by which a person, time or event will be remembered
  • exacerbate make a problem worse
  • ditty a short simple song

Alla Inga

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