Irregular verbs 1

Övningen är skapad 2017-10-17 av LararMita. Antal frågor: 34.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • slå beat, beat, beaten
  • bli become, became, become
  • börja begin, began, begun
  • böja bend, bent, bent
  • bita bite, bit, bitten
  • blåsa blow, blew, blown
  • bryta break, broke, broken
  • ta med bring, brought, brought
  • bygga build, built, built
  • brinna burn, burnt, burnt
  • brista burst, burst, burst
  • köpa buy, bought, bought
  • fånga catch, caught, caught
  • välja choose, chose, chosen
  • komma come, came, come
  • kosta cost, cost, cost
  • skära; hugga cut, cut, cut
  • handla; ta itu med; ge deal, dealt, dealt
  • gräva dig, dug, dug
  • göra do, did, done
  • She has (bli) become a successful lawyer.
  • Last week they (gräva) dug a hole in the garden and planted a bush.
  • The jumper (kosta) costs a fortune! I can't afford it.
  • I have (börja) begun to organise my folders, but I'm not done yet.
  • She was fine this morning, but at the funeral she (brista) burst into tears.
  • The dog needs to be put down because it has (bita) bitten a small boy.
  • I can't stay any longer, because I need to (ta) catch a bus.
  • This fantastic day (föra) brings back memories.
  • She will be punished because she has (bryta) broken the rules.
  • Nowadays, I always (köpa) buy flowers on Fridays.
  • I am finally (hugga) cutting down that dead tree now.
  • Jimmy tried to steal a cookie again, but I (tog) caught him red-handed!
  • There are too many choices! I don't know which one to (välja) choose since they are all so beautiful.
  • The wind (blåsa) blew cold, so I closed the window.

Alla Inga

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