Immunology cytokines

Övningen är skapad 2024-12-05 av latinarkul. Antal frågor: 26.

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  • Source of Il-1 Macrophages, monocytes, endothelial cells, dendritic cells, B cells
  • Targets and effects of IL-1 Hypothalamus --> fever, endothelial cell activation --> inflammation
  • source of IL-2 activated T cells (Th1)
  • Targets of IL-2 T cells, NK cells
  • source of IL-4 Th2 cells, mast cells
  • Targets and effects of IL-4 Th2 cells, B cells --> IgE
  • Source of IL-5 Th2 cells, group 2 ILCs
  • targets and effects of IL-5 wound healing, IgA production
  • source of IL-6 macrophages, endothelial cells, T cells (Th2)
  • targets and effects of IL-6 Factor B synthesis, B cell proliferation
  • sources of IL-12 macrophages, dendritic cells
  • targets and effects of IL-12 Th1 differentiation, NK cells activation
  • source of IL-17 Th17, group 3 ILCs
  • targets and effects of IL-17 epithelial cells, macrophages, GM-CSF production
  • sources of IL-22 Th17 cells
  • targets and effects of IL-22 epithelial cell production of defensins
  • source of IL-23 macrophages, dendritic cells
  • targets and effects of IL-23 Th17 expansion
  • sources of GM-CSF Th17, macrophages, endothelial cells, fibroblasts
  • targets and effects of GM-CSF maturation of granulocytes and monocytes
  • sources of IFN-alfa, beta plasmacytoid cells, macrophages, fibroblasts, epithelial cells
  • targets and effects of IFN-alfa, gamma all cells, induces antiviral state
  • sources of IFN-gamma Th1, Tct, NK cells
  • targets and effects of IFN-gamma macrophage supercharge, IgG production, Th1 differentiation, inhibits Th2
  • sources of TNF macrophages, NK cells, T cells
  • targets and effects of TNF endothelial cells --> inflammation, neutophil activation, hypothalamus --> fever, muscle and fat --> catabolism

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