
Övningen är skapad 2023-01-18 av VaggaES21. Antal frågor: 21.

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Alla Inga

  • ring a bell Something I've heard before. Reminds me of something.
  • take a ring check In a polite way asking someone to do something together later on.
  • to vote with your feet To show your opinion by leaving an oganization or by no longer supporting, using or buying something.
  • history in the making An event happening now that will be remembered in the future.
  • clear as mud Something which is unclear.
  • under your own steam Do/make something all by myself. By using its own power or efforts.
  • under the weather Not feeling good.
  • read someone like a book Understand someone so well that you can guess what he/she will do/say next. To easily understand the true thoughts and feelings of someone by looking at how that person acts or behaves.
  • to kill two birds with one stone To achieve two things by doing a single action.
  • through thick and thin To be loyal no matter what.
  • monday blues A feeling of sadness because you need to get back to school or work.
  • hit the hay Go to bed or sleep.
  • beat around the bush When you talk about unimportant things because you want to avoid talking about things that are important or uncomfortable.
  • put all one's eggs in one basket To risk all one has on the success or failure of one thing.
  • autumn years Refers to the later years in someone's life.
  • get caught red handed Showing clear evidence of guilt, in the act of wrongdoing.
  • sell like hot cakes Something is selling good. Quick sellout.
  • let the cat out of the bag To reveal facts previously hidden.
  • the birds and the bees Sexual education.
  • she is still in everyone's bad books for keeping the princess for a coon's age Someone is not pleased with you because of something you did. (A long time)
  • on pins and needles Worried or excited about something that is going to happen.

Alla Inga

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