Övningen är skapad 2021-10-11 av AxelGernandt. Antal frågor: 73.

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  • systematic informed hunches theory
  • set of hunches ideas about an explanation
  • informed taking in consideration what is already known
  • systematic specification about relation between concepts
  • net (metaphor) catching relevance of hypothesis in order to understand the world
  • lens (metaphor) how we see certain things, emphasis on certain elements and ignore others
  • map (metaphor) theories guide us, show how things work
  • communication the relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response
  • transmission model1 communication as a process of transmitting messages from me to you
  • transmission model2 message is determined by sender
  • transmission model 3 receiver process the message as was intended by the sender
  • expressive/ritual model1 communication as representation of shared beliefs within society/group
  • expressive/ritual model2 emphasis on performance of message (sender)
  • expressive/ritual model3 emphasis on shared experience of message (receiver)
  • expressive/ritual model3 experience (concerts, religious beliefs, art etc)
  • publicity model1 communication as a tool to grab and hold attention
  • publicity model2 competition between senders for the attention of the public. attention itself is more important than quality of attention
  • publicity model3 receiver is spectator rather than participant
  • example publicity model ad campaign, political election campaigns
  • reception model1 communication as open to multiple interpretations because of differences between receivers. message can have different meanings
  • reception model2 sender transmits message with a certain purpose
  • example reception model poetry, art (free to interpret)
  • classical view on Powerful Media1 powerful media reach everyone
  • classical view on Powerful Media2 defenseless, passive audience
  • classical view on Powerful Media3 strong (and bad) effects
  • classical view on Powerful Media4 uniform effects (magic bullet, hypodermic needle theories)
  • observation every research starts with this. mind makes connection which creates questions
  • induction create a more general statement and framework. is there a theory to use as explanation? creation of research statement
  • deduction going from theory to funnel thought into hypothesis. create specific expectations (base your hypothesis on theory to make sure it’s testable)
  • testable test hypothesis. elements need to be measurable (operationalization)
  • evaluation did results go as expected? eventually gather material for new observation and restart cycle
  • cultivation theory assumption 1 the overall pattern of media shows us a certain reality
  • cultivation theory assumption 2 this changes our view of the world
  • first order effect (cultivation theory) estimation of probability of something occurring ex: what is the percentage of people with criminal record)
  • second order effects (cultivation theory) beliefs you hold about the way people are, stereotypes
  • just world “good things happen to good people”
  • mainstreaming differences in beliefs (because of social differences) disappear because of heavy tv viewing
  • resonance if you live in a criminal neighborhood and see crimes on tv develop double dose among heavy viewers
  • critique of cultivation theory1 difficult to establish causality
  • critique of cultivation theory2 one tv message VS variations in media content and media choice (because of much more to choose from nowadays)
  • accessibility principle repeated tv exposure among heavy viewers makes certain world views more accessible
  • accessibility principle2 some world views are quick to come to mind when making judgments about real world (priming)
  • SLT1 attention
  • SLT2 retention
  • SLT3 motivation
  • justification motivation to copy violent behavior
  • inhibitions “not use violence” because of upbringing, morals etc
  • justification for violence decrease in inhibitions (good guy uses violence and gets rewarded)
  • excitation transfer theory the arousal that is elicited by violence makes us more aggressive
  • catharsis theory using violent media makes us less aggressive (vent our anger)
  • critique of SLT1 broad theory difficult to test in entirety
  • critique of SLT2 is media exposure equal to real world experience? how much does an experiment say about real world effects?
  • priming connection of concepts, stimuli and notions in our mind
  • priming and cultivation theory1 frequency, timing and strength of priming
  • priming and ct2 when the same ideas/images are repeated in media, these ideas are always frequently and recently primed
  • priming and ct3 results in strong links between concepts and make them accessible in our minds
  • symbolic environment socially constructed, sensory world of meanings
  • media generic term for all human invented tech that extends range, speed and channels of communication
  • medium specific type of media
  • media ecology the study of different personal and social environments (ecology) created by the use of different communication technologies
  • medium is the message media (regardless of content) shape our experiences and exert more change than the messages they carry
  • global village electronic worldwide community where everyone knows everyone’s business
  • traditional medium effect carrier of information with focus on content
  • McLuhan effect on medium a medium is an extension of ourselves
  • needs differ between individuals because of1 social origin (culture, family)
  • needs differ between individuals because of2 psychological origin (character traits, need for cognition)
  • steps of choosing media out of needs needs > expectations > media usage > gratification
  • mood management expectations about which media content regulates your current mood the best
  • parasocial relationship one sided relationship with character from our favorite media content
  • what does media effects depend upon (U&G) users and their needs, expectations and gratifications
  • digital screenome way for researchers to see what people to on their phones by taking screenshots in minute intervals
  • ritualized use of media habits, enjoyment
  • instrumental media use look something up, use media with purpose

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