I robot

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-07 av albintje. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • Conundrum A confusing and difficult problem or question.
  • Conjecture An opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
  • Conundrum A difficult problem with no easy solution.
  • Paradox A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true.
  • Dilemma A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made
  • Predicament A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
  • Ambiguity The quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.
  • Ambivalence The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something.
  • Anomaly Something that is different from what is standard
  • Incongruity Lack of harmony or compatibility between two or more elements.
  • Impasse A situation in which no progress is possible
  • Cacophony Bad noise
  • Dichotomy A division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
  • Discrepancy A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
  • Quandary A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
  • Intricacy The quality of being intricate or complicated.
  • Paradoxical Seemingly absurd or self-contradictory, but in reality expressing a possible truth.
  • Enigma A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
  • Ambiguous Open to more than one interpretation.
  • Convoluted Extremely complex and difficult to follow.

Alla Inga

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