
Övningen är skapad 2023-03-16 av Suzlag. Antal frågor: 12.

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  • Hindu a person belonging who to Hinduism
  • Hinduism a religion with most believers in India
  • polytheism believing in many gods
  • sacred something that is important in a religion
  • the Vedas the oldest books in Hinduism
  • the Upanishads scriptures on the thoughts in the Vedas
  • Bhagavad Gita one of the holy books of Hinduism
  • Brahman the world soul that exists in everything
  • Atman exists in everything and is a part of Brahman, the world soul
  • karma the sum of everything a person does in life
  • samsara the wheel, a long line of rebirths
  • Moksha Liberation, not having to be reborn again

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