HFW 301-325 (gaps)

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-27 av carwin. Antal frågor: 25.

Välj frågor (25)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • The human body (kropp) is composed of about 60% water.
  • What kind of music (musik) do you listen to?
  • What color (färg) are your eyes?
  • Don't stand (stå) out there in the cold - come in here and get warm.
  • The sun (sol) rises in the east and sets in the west.
  • The police asked me questions (frågor) all day.
  • Sanjay caught the biggest fish (fisk) I've ever seen.
  • This area (område) of the park has been specially designed for children.
  • The back of the chair has left a mark (märke) on the wall.
  • A dog (hund) lay under the table, gnawing on a bone.
  • My horse (häst) is a bit timid and is easily frightened by traffic.
  • Most birds (fåglar) lay eggs in the spring.
  • No one has solved the problem (problem) of what to do with radioactive waste.
  • Complete (slutför) the sentence with one of the adjectives provided.
  • I could here people talking in the next room (rum).
  • She knew (visste) that something was wrong.
  • Emma went to work in New York a year ago, and we haven't seen her since (sedan dess).
  • Have you ever (någonsin) been to London?
  • I'm going to have another piece (bit) of cake.
  • My friend told (berättade) me you were looking for me.
  • He usually (vanligtvis) gets home about six o'clock.
  • We didn't (kom inte) get to our hotel until after midnight.
  • We've been friends (vänner) for years.
  • She's very easy (lätt) to talk to.
  • She heard (hörde) a noise outside.

Alla Inga

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