Henrietta Lacks vocabulary

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-04 av Feke. Antal frågor: 23.

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Alla Inga

  • Descendant A person who is related to someone from a previous generation
  • Tissue sample A small piece taken from a living organism
  • Consent Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
  • Test tube A small glass or plastic tube used in scientific experiments
  • Culture The process of growing cells, bacteria, or other microorganisms
  • Vital Absolutely necessary or important
  • Uncover To reveal or make known something that was previously hidden
  • Grim Unpleasant, harsh, or serious
  • Malignant Describing a condition that is very harmful or dangerous
  • Cure A treatment or remedy
  • Replenish To fill something up again or restore it to its previous level
  • Obstacle Something that blocks or hinders progress
  • Contamination The presence of unwanted or harmful substances that can spoil or infect something
  • Surgical nurse A nurse who specialises in assisting during surgical operations
  • Infection The invasion and multiplication of harmful microorganisms
  • Incubator A device used to grow and maintain cells or microorganisms
  • Accumulate To gather or collect something over time
  • Toxin A poisonous substance produced by living organisms
  • Radiation Energy emitted in the form of waves or particles
  • Eternal Lasting forever
  • Harvest To collect or gather something
  • Wrestle To struggle or grapple with something
  • Vial A small container used to hold liquid substances

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