
Övningen är skapad 2025-01-22 av gloserkan123. Antal frågor: 13.

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  • (Janes jobb) is rather difficult. Jane's job
  • Could you give me __________ (Mr Ewings adress), please. Mr Ewing's address
  • We are having four __________ (veckors semester) this year. weeks' holiday
  • We didn’t reach the __________ (bergets topp) until late. top of the mountain
  • The __________ (fårens svansar) are fairly short. sheep's tails
  • The __________ (färgen på dörren) has been changed. colour of the door
  • What colour are the __________ (tvillingarnas ögon)? twins' eyes
  • __________ (skolans rektor) wanted to see all the students in the assembly hall. The headmaster of the school
  • __________ (Johns lärare) had won the Booker Prize for his latest novel. John's teacher
  • I need at least __________ (åtta timmars) sleep. eight hours'
  • __________ (Båtens ägare) had not yet been found. The owner of the boat
  • You could read about the great fire in __________ (gårdagens tidningar). yesterday's newspapers
  • We arrived at the village after __________ (30 minuters walk). 30 minutes'

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