
Övningen är skapad 2024-05-05 av viljawalliiin. Antal frågor: 64.

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  • implicit knowledge informal, in-head
  • explicit knowledge formal, documents, databases
  • descriptive/categorial knowledge most fundamental, describe phenomen with its characteristics
  • explanation/declarative knowledge why a phenomen is in a certain way, cause-effect-relation explained
  • evaluation/value knowledge knowledge about desired - given specific circumstances, goals
  • normative/prescriptive knowledge guiding knowledge, instructions
  • positivism how reality is! highly structured, quantifiable observations that lend to statistical analysis, complexity reduced to generalization
  • realism object exist independently of our will & knowledge
  • pragmatism focus on the practical consequenses of actions, if concept works in practise - it is considered true
  • Interpretation & hermeneutics to understand phenomens from another person's perspective
  • Induction start observe, then theory
  • deduction start with theory, then validation/proof
  • action research consult, support practise, tech in social context
  • design science research response to an it problem, artifact, new solutions
  • technical action research tech-driven, solve a lot of problems, designer, helper, researcher
  • what is good research orginality, reliability, communication, relevance, rigor
  • why literature review need to know what has been solved in order to motivate research gap
  • literature process define topic, limit search, test search, review results, conduct search, manage results, evaluate results, report
  • systematic literature review focused on gathering evidence and resolve validity threats
  • bad literature review lack of focus, organization, depth, bad sources, exist research
  • survey purpose collect data from a large sample of respondents
  • survey steps define variables to measure, develop questions, validate
  • piloting distribute survey to a small set of respondents
  • stratified sampling practical random approach, sub-groups based on criterias such as age, gender
  • confirmation bias agree rather than disagree
  • when should we use experiments need to identify dependable relationship between cause & effect
  • casual relationship when the cause precedes/relates to the effect
  • independent variable cause, variable manipulated under experiment
  • dependent variable effect, depends on the independent variable
  • hypothesis precise problem statement that could be tested
  • confounding variable not controlled but can affect outcome
  • control variable not under investigation, kept constant, font size
  • within-subjects each p tested on each condition
  • between-subjects each p tested on one condition only
  • replication repetition of entire experiment
  • purpose statistic analyze if our results is accurate
  • confidence interval maesure of how confident we are in our results
  • Inferential statistics how we draw conclusions from data - correlation, hypothesis
  • data level determines what type of measurements & procedures we can apply
  • nominal data categorial data with no meaningful distance, animal
  • nominal data descriptives frequencies & percentages, mode
  • ordinal data ordered data with undefined length between steps, tasty
  • ordinal descriptives frequencies & percentages, median
  • interval & ratio equal distance between steps, parametric
  • interval & ratio descriptives mean, standard deviation
  • mean medelvärde
  • standard deviation hur spridda värdena är runt medelvärdet
  • hypothesis testing goal to determine if we can reject null hypothesis in favor of the one we defined
  • statistically significance - hypothesis testing acheived when a result is very unlikely given the null hypothesis is true
  • p-value p under a = s results - reject null
  • t-test one sample if mean of one sample is different from reference value
  • t-test independent sample test if the mean of one sample is different from mean of another independent sample
  • t-test paired sample test if the mean of 2 measures from the same sample differs
  • normal distribution test curves, 0,05
  • rank-sum test independent variables, ranking indicidual measures, ordinal data
  • sign test positive of negative 2 measures
  • CHI2 test if frequency of observation is different from some reference frequency, between groups
  • correlation variables affect each other
  • positive correlation both increase
  • quantitative analysis checklist 1. interpret which data levels 2. descriptives 3. identify test, h c 4. apply tests
  • purpose of academic knowledge contribute to scientific knowledge
  • academic paper structure 1. introduction 2. method 3. result 4. discussion 5. conclusion
  • good scientific practices correct sample, reference, grounding related work
  • scientific evaluation bias, reliability, validity

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