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  • Which of the following best describes the reason why one uses of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in QFD? Because when using the AHP one can say that an importance rating of scale 4 is the same as twice of a rating of scale 2, Because when using the AHP one can say that an importance rating of scale 4 is more than twice of a rating of scale 2, Because we want to do the things right, Because we want to do the right thing
  • The Arrow’s impossibility theorem helps Quality Function Deployment (QFD) practitioners to realize that an attempt to satisfy all groups of customers may end up with satisfying none of them, it is impossible to discover a single causal arrow between two quality characteristics in the roof of the house of quality, it is impossible to discover a single causal arrow from a design attribute to a customer need, an attempt to satisfy all groups of customers may end up with satisfying some of them
  • Which of the following pairs of functional and dysfunctional questions is most useful for classifying a new service feature into Kano model’s category? “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were not provided with a voice-operated multimedia system in your room?”, “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that works well in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that works poorly in your room?”, “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that works in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that does not work in your room?”, “How would you feel if you were provided with an easy-to-control voice-operated multimedia system in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were provided with a difficult-to-control voice-operated multimedia system in your room?”
  • In the context of redesigning a product (e.g. a jacket), which of the following questions is the most useful for uncovering customer needs according to Ulwick and Bettencourt (2008)? Focus on pain points, ask “what makes wearing this jacket inconvenient?”, Have an improvement-minded attitude, ask “how would you improve the design of this jacket?”, Start with why, ask “why do you buy a jacket?”, Be straightforward, ask “what do you need from a jacket?”
  • Within the context of contrasting between design and marketing interpretive schemes in new product development (Beverland et al., 2016), which of the following statements is in line with their findings? Designers think that various inputs and sources are necessary to uncover consumer latent needs, Marketers focus on long-term trends and outcomes and work back from the hypothesized future, Marketers think that market categories are malleable and can be shaped, Designers think that market categories are fixed and stable
  • Within the context of design thinking as suggested by IDEO, which of the following situations best describes the consequence of having an underdeveloped prototype? unable to communicate the idea with sufficient clarity, time-consuming, difficult to improve based on emerging insights, minimum flexibility to allow for iteration
  • Consider a utility function 𝑈= -𝛽tT -𝛽cC, where t is the travel time in hour, c is the travel cost in SEK, and 𝛽t and 𝛽c are positive coefficients to be estimated from data. Given that the utility is a unitless quantity, what is the unit of the parameter 𝛽௧ ? 1/hour, hour, SEK/hour, 1/SEK
  • Design Thinking method as proposed by IDEO uses the three phases in the following order: start with exploratory phase followed by concepting phase and end with prototyping phase, start with exploratory phase followed by prototyping phase and end with concepting phase, start with concepting phase followed by exploratory phase and end with prototyping phase, start with prototyping phase followed by concepting phase and end with exploratory phase
  • According to random utility model, the utility of an alternative is comprised of systematic utility and random utility. Which of the following is considered as random utility? Unobserved attributes, The decision maker’s socio-economic status, The alternative specific constant, The attributes that describe the alternative
  • In the paper helicopter three-factor full factorial design experiment, it is found out that ‘paper density’ and ‘blade length’ have an active interaction effect. However, both do not have an active interaction effect with ‘body width’. In other words, the interaction of ‘paper density’ and ‘body width’ is almost zero (insignificant), so is the interaction between ‘blade length’ and ‘body width’. Which of the following statements is correct? The level of ‘blade length’ is independent of the level of ‘paper density’ and vice versa, The effect of ‘paper density’ on the dependent variable (i.e. flying time) is dependent on the level of ‘body width’ and vice versa, The level of ‘paper density’ is dependent on the level of ‘blade length’
  • In the paper helicopter three-factor full factorial design experiment, it is found out that ‘paper density’ and ‘blade length’ have an active interaction effect. However, both do not have an active interaction effect with ‘body width’. In other words, the interaction of ‘paper density’ and ‘body width’ is almost zero (insignificant), so is the interaction between ‘blade length’ and ‘body width’. Which of the following statements is correct? The level of ‘blade length’ is independent of the level of ‘paper density’ and vice versa, The effect of ‘paper density’ on the dependent variable (i.e. flying time) is dependent on the level of ‘body width’ and vice versa, The effect of ‘paper density’ on the dependent variable (i.e. flying time) is dependent on the level of ‘body width’, The level of ‘blade length’ is dependent on the level of ‘body width’
  • In the context of Design of Experiment (DoE), what is the minimum number of runs needed if one is interested in the main effects of 4 factors and all of the interaction effects? 16 runs, 20 runs, 12 runs, 8 runs
  • Which of the following statements best describes an important principle of design for quality? Do the right things first then do the things right, Do the things right first then do the right things, Optimize the cost first then minimize the variation, Minimize the variation first then optimize the cost
  • Within the context of understanding customer’s needs and/or wants, there are four types of pleasure in products (Jordan, 2002), which of the following statements best describes what is meant by a product that can address physio-pleasure? It can stimulate as many human senses as possible, It can support one’s life values and belief, It can be physically recycled reused and repurposed, It can bring a positive social image for the users
  • In the context of formulating customer needs of students following online (Zoom) lectures, which of the following statements best describes a well-formulated customer need? Can stay awake during online lecture, Can easily and conveniently talk to a friend while listening to the online lecture, Can have two computers one for the online lecture the other one for taking notes, Can have some cups of good coffee during lecture
  • One of the mechanisms in resourceful sensemaking (Beverland et al., 2016) is called exposure. Which of the following statements best describes the aim of exposure? to reveal interpretative schemes of other departments, to primarily facilitate informal interactions, to primarily facilitate formal interactions, to generate more communication between departments
  • Within the context of design thinking as suggested by IDEO, which of the following statements best describes how one may get a good idea during the concepting phase? Brainstorm as many ideas as possible regardless of their quality, Start with a few logical and feasible ideas, Separate the vital few ideas from the trivial many, Collect ideas from heavy users through in-depth interviews focusing on the job to be done
  • Within the context of design thinking, if one aims to improve quality by redesigning a certain service experience where there is little knowledge of customer needs, which of the following activities is the best to start with? Carry out in-depth interviews and observation, Send out a survey to customers in both physical and digital format at the same time, Send out a survey to customers in physical format first then refine the questions based on respondents’ reaction and feedback then digital format as to reach wider respondents online, Carry out research on customer needs using open AI support such as ChatGPT
  • Which of the following best describes an objective of discrete choice analysis? Assess the trade-offs between product/service attributes as in a market setting, Define customer needs and requirements and translate them into specific plans to produce products that meet those needs, Estimate the number of units that will be purchased by customers, Design innovative products or services via rapid prototype-driven methods
  • Which of the following best describes when one should use economic experimental games such as ultimatum game and dictator game? When we want to assess certain behavior of the participants, When it is challenging to measure the behavior in focus with other methods, When we want to generalize the results to other contexts, Games are always a better way of understanding behavior compared to other methods such as self-rated questionnaires
  • In the context of design experiment (DoE), which of the following best describes the objective of using replication? To quantify noise in the experiment, To remove experimental noise, To spread out experimental noise, To create sensitivity to noise factors
  • In the context of full factorial design with replications, which of the following condition is assumed when estimating the effects’ variance? The variance of each run is not statistically different from each other, None of the other alternatives, The variance of each run is the same as the effects’ variance, The variance of each run is near zero
  • If you have a budget for making 16 prototypes and have around 5 factors to be investigated, which of the following factorial design strategies can be considered the most efficient? Run a fractional factorial design and then follow-up experiments e.g. first run a 2^(5-2) experiment then depending on the result the next could be 2 ^(4-1) or a full factorial design 2^(k), Run a fractional factorial design to study the 5 factors e.g. 2^(5-1), Run a full factorial design to first study the 3 factors (2^3 experiment) and then run another full factorial design with replication to study the remaining 2 factors (2^2 x2 experiment), Run a fractional factorial design with replication to study the 5 factors, e.g. 2^(5-2) x 2
  • Which of the following Quality Function Deployment (QFD) practices best describes how it supports system thinking in an organization? None of the other alternatives, It uses a set of linked matrices which are built upon minimizing the time of having different functions involved in an organization, It uses a set of linked matrices which are built upon minimizing the cost of having different functions involved in an organization, It uses a set of linked matrices of which one matrix’ output representing a function in the organization is independent of the input of the subsequent matrix representing another function in the organization
  • Which of the following statements best describes how the Arrow’s impossibility theorem can be useful for Quality Function Deployment practitioners? Select one alternative: QFD team should aim for a specific target market segment, QFD team should aim for at least two target market segments, It is impossible to assume a causal arrow between a demanded quality (the What) and a quality characteristic (the How) unless an experiment is carried out, It is impossible to assume a non-causal arrow between a demanded quality (the What) and a quality characteristic (the How) that is they are causally related by default
  • In the context of redesigning a product (e.g. a jacket), which of the following questions is the most useful for uncovering customer needs according to Ulwick and Bettencourt (2008)? Focus on pain points ask “what makes wearing this jacket inconvenient?”, Be straightforward ask “what do you need from a jacket?”, Start with why ask “why do you buy a jacket?”, Have an improvement-minded attitude ask “how would you improve the design of this jacket?”
  • Within the context of understanding customer’s needs and/or wants, there are four types of pleasure in products (Jordan, 2002), which of the following types of pleasure is best illustrated by the kettle example shown in the class? physio-pleasure, ideo-pleasure, psycho-pleasure, socio-pleasure
  • Within the context of design thinking, if one aims to improve quality by redesigning a certain service experience where there is little knowledge of customer needs, which of the following activities is the best to start with? Use qualitative research methods such as interviews and observations, Carry out a benchmarking study on similar best-in-class companies offering similar services, Use machine learning and data analytics to uncover customer needs, Use quantitative research methods such as online questionnaires
  • Within the context of design thinking as suggested by IDEO, which of the following situations best describes the consequence of having an underdeveloped prototype? unable to communicate the idea with sufficient clarity, time-consuming, minimum flexibility to allow for iteration, difficult to improve based on emerging insights
  • Within the context of contrasting between design and marketing interpretive schemes in new product development (Beverland et al., 2016), which of the following statements is in line with their findings? Designers think that various inputs and sources are necessary to uncover consumer latent needs, Designers think that market categories are fixed and stable, Marketers focus on long-term trends and outcomes and work back from the hypothesized future, Marketers think that market categories are malleable and can be shaped
  • Which of the following pairs of functional and dysfunctional questions is most useful for classifying a new service feature into Kano model’s category? How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were not provided with a voice-operated multimedia system in your room?”, “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that works well in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice- operated multimedia system that works poorly in your room?”, “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that works in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were provided with a voice-operated multimedia system that does not work in your room?”, “How would you feel if you were provided with an easy-to-control voice-operated multimedia system in your room?” and “How would you feel if you were provided with a difficult-to- control voice-operated multimedia system in your room?”
  • John Snow, a British epidemiologist, conducted a rigorous exploratory data analysis in the middle of the 1800s trying to identify the cause for the cholera epidemic in London. One of the alternatives below describes something that he did not do since that could lead to the wrong cause-and-effect relationship. Select one alternative: Identify households where the greatest number of deaths occur as salient, Compare the number of deaths to the population of each household, Look at contrary cases to see if his conclusions hold for other identified cholera cases around London, Count the number of deaths per household close to the cholera outbreak
  • If you have a budget for making 16 prototypes and have around 5 factors to be investigated, ¨ which of the following design experiment strategies can be considered the most efficient in finding out the active factors? Select one alternative: Run a Plackett–Burman design using 8 runs and then follow-up experiments depending on the result e.g. a full factorial design 2^(3) or a full factorial design with replication 2^(2)x2, Run a Plackett–Burman design using 12 runs and then follow-up experiments depending on the result e.g. a fractional factorial design 2^(3-1) or a full factorial design 2^(2), Run a Plackett–Burman design using 8 runs and then follow-up experiments depending on the result e.g. a fractional factorial design 2^(4-1) or a fractional factorial design with replication 2^(3-1)x2, Run a Plackett–Burman design using 8 runs and then follow-up experiments depending on the result e.g. another Plackett–Burman design with 4 or 8 runs
  • In the paper helicopter three-factor full factorial design experiment, it is found out that ‘paper density’ and ‘blade length’ have an active interaction effect. However, both do not have an active interaction effect with ‘body width’. In other words, the interaction of ‘paper density’ and ‘body width’ is almost zero (insignificant), so is the interaction between ‘blade length’ and ‘body width’. Which of the following statements is correct? The effect of ‘body width’ on the dependent variable (i.e. flying time) is not dependent on the level of ‘paper density’, The level of ‘blade length’ is dependent on the level of ‘paper density’ and vice versa because of the active interaction effect, The level of ‘blade length’ is dependent on the level of ‘paper density’ ¨ but not vice versa that is the level of ‘paper density’ is not dependent on the level of ‘blade length’, The effect of ‘body width’ on the dependent variable (i.e. flying time) is dependent on the level of ‘paper density’ and vice versa
  • Which of the following statements is FALSE? We say that we have an unsupervised learning problem when we are asked to predict some numerical values and the data contain examples of those numerical values, For a machine learning project to be successful we need good-quality data, Deep learning is a type of machine learning that has recently received a lot of attention from the press, Machine learning should be used to solve repeated problems at scale
  • SWA bank would like to use machine learning to predict the amount of loan (i.e. a number that can go from 0 SEK to 3 million SEK) that they should grant to any given customer. For that purpose, the Analytics department will use data that contain previous customers loan application information as well as the amount that they were loaned. What type of machine learning problem is this? Regression, Classification, Unsupervised learning (clustering), A hybrid type (e.g. a combination of classification and clustering)
  • Which of the statements is FALSE about discrete choice analyses? Select one alternative: Before estimating a discrete choice model it is always necessary to implement an experimental design and a questionnaire, Discrete choice models can be applied to stated preference or revealed preference data, The theory supporting discrete choice models is based on experimental economics, The outcome of discrete choice models is stochastic/probabilistic
  • In the context of discrete choice models in the course (TEK161), cluster analyses are used... Select one alternative: To segment data into homogeneous groups of individuals that share preferences for certain attribute levels, To control the coefficient estimates for how close respondents live to each other, To group individuals that have similar socio-economic characteristics, To create designs with less profiles per choice set
  • Which of the statements is FALSE about willingness to pay? Select one alternative: This tells the analyst how much people are willing to pay for including an attribute in the product, It depends on the parameters estimated in a discrete choice model, It is the change in price needed in order to keep the same level of utility after a non-price attribute changes, It is measured in monetary units (e.g., sek, usd)
  • Imagine you conducted a stated preference survey to 30 respondents for an experimental design that had 10 choice sets, and 3 profiles per choice set. You want to use JMP to estimate a discrete choice model. Which of the statements is FALSE? The dependent variable used for the modeling can take the values of 1 or 2 or 3, The discrete choice model output will provide the parameter estimates for each attribute level and the p-values for each attribute, You need data wrangling to ensure that each row represents a profile for each choice set for each respondent, The long format database has 900 rows

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