extra glosor vecka 12 2022

Övningen är skapad 2022-03-17 av emmarn87. Antal frågor: 13.

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Alla Inga

  • Dolphins are mammals so the calf breathes with lungs.
  • A female has one calf at a time.
  • Dolphins sleeps standing up with their blowhole above the surface.
  • Dolphins main food is fish.
  • The most dangerous threat to dolphins are humans.
  • There are stories about dolphins protecting swimmers from sharks.
  • We pollute the water and kill dolphins.
  • Tuna fish often swim together with dolphins.
  • Dolphins can't breathe when they get stuck in nets, and they die.
  • Killer whales belong to the oceanic dolphin family.
  • Dolphins are both social and helpful.
  • Dolphine lives in pods of 20-25 animals.
  • A pod of dolphins means a group of dolphins.

Alla Inga

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